Dispositional sentences in Huangxiao dialects(in Chinese)
黄孝方言的意向处置句 (中文文章)
Wang Huayun 汪化云

Abstract 摘要
Dispositional sentences in Huangxiao Dialects have three patterns: A) S+ba(把)To+VP+ta/qu(他/渠), B)To+S+VP+ ta/qu(他/渠), C)S+VPvi+ ta/qu(他/渠). They can be formed into imperative sentence, willful declarative sentence and interrogative sentence, emphasizing personal dispositions. They are caused by topic-prominence with a definite prepositional object, and back-reference with ta/qu(他/渠) after VP,forming A and B patterns, which is an intermediate between VO and TV sentence orders. The postpositional ta/qu(他/渠) function as modal particles emphasizing willful dispositions. The extension of Pattern A and Pattern B forms Pattern C. There exist some distributional discrepancy in the three patterns and their variants.


Keywords 关键词

Dispositional sentence 意向处置句 Sentence pattern 句式 Grammatical meaning 语法意义 Formation 构成 Grammaticalization 语法化 Distributional discrepancy 分布差异 Huangxiao dialects 黄孝方言

Journal of Chinese Linguistics vol.45, no.1 (June 2017): 193-211
Copyright © 2017 Journal of Chinese Linguistices. All rights reserved.

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