Phonation variation and strategy of tone distinction: The case of Meiba Bai
Xuan Li 李煊; Feng Wang 汪锋
Abstract 摘要
The tonal system in Bai has attracted much attention for its complex combination of pitch and phonation features. What makes it more complicated is that the phonation varies across Bai dialects. In this paper, we examine the tonal quality of Meiba Bai by analyzing F0 (fundamental frequency), OQ (open quotient), and SQ (speed quotient), which are extracted from electroglottographic signals of 28 speakers. Results indicate that the contrast between tones is not only confirmed in F0 (corresponding to pitch), but also manifested in OQ and SQ that reflect phonation manner. Moreover, this paper introduces the concept of “strategy of tone distinction”, which can be applied in investigating the phonation variation. It shows that the phonation variation is neither arbitrary nor motiveless in Meiba Bai. Variation is always within three primary strategies, and the non-primary strategies are adopted only when the individuals’ physical condition of phonation degenerated.
Subject Keywords 主题词
Meiba Bai 美坝白语 Phonation variation 发声变异 Strategy of tone distinction 声调区分策略 F0 基频 OQ 开商 SQ 速度商
Journal of Chinese Linguistics vol.48, no.2 (June 2020): 379-401
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