Towards and affiliation of the Nanping Mandarin dialect of Fujian
Chungyu Chen 陈重瑜

Abstract 摘要
Nanping is one of the two localities in Fujian where Mandarin dialects are spoken. The most conservative feature of Nanping is its retention of velar stops before high front vowels. The dental sibilants remain largely unpalatalized before high front vowels. There are no retroflex initials and the labiodental occurs only as an occasional variant. The alveolar nasal and lateral are in complete free variation. Middle Chinese nasal endings have all merged into a velar nasal. Stop endings have evolved into a glottal stop, which appears only when the syllable is the last stressed syllable before a juncture (/#/). In other positions, the glottal stop together with the shortness is lost. Such behavior of the final glottal stop has not been reported for other dialects. There is historical evidence of several influxes of soldiers and immigrants. This paper attempts to link structural evidence with historical incidents with a view to identifying the source of the main stratum of the Nanping Mandarin dialect.

福建有两个地方说的是官话, 南平是其中之一。南平官话最保守的一点, 是舌根塞音在高前母音之前没有颚化。摩擦与塞擦齿音在高前母音之前, 也大致没有颚化。卷舌音不存在, 唇齿音只是偶而出现的变体, [n] 与 [l] 完全相混。中古鼻音韵尾演变成一个舌根鼻音, 塞音韵尾则演变成一个喉塞音。当后面跟着一个非轻声的音节时, 这个喉塞音就消失了, 而该音节也由促变舒。历史记载上有军队入驻及移民的痕迹。本文通过语言的结构及历史上的证据, 对南平官话作一个溯源的探讨。

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Journal of Chinese Linguistics   volume 9 (ISSN 0091-3723)
Copyright © 1981 Journal of Chinese Linguistices. All rights reserved.