
  1. Reed-Sternberg cell#

  2. Malaria, falciparum type#

  3. Malaria, vivax type#

  4. Hairy cell leukaemia#

  5. Rouleaux, myeloma#

  6. Myeloma, bone marrow#

  7. Multiple myeloma#

  8. MF with gout*

  9. Myelofibrosis, teardrop cells#

  10. Bernard Soulier#

  11. Lead poisoning#

  12. Megaloblastic anaemia, ovalocytes#

  13. Autoimmune hemolytic anaemia, spherocytes#

  14. CLL with autoimmune hemolytic anaemia#

  15. DIC#

  16. Cold agglutinin#

  17. Beta thalassemia#

  18. Hb-H disease#

  19. Sickle cell disease#

  20. HbC, homocygote#

  21. Heinz bodies#

  22. AML, M3#

  23. AML, M2#

  24. CLL, PL#

  25. CLL#

  26. Megaloblastic anaemia, giant band forms#

  27. AML, M7#