
 Dr NAKANO Lynne Yukie

「我希望學生選擇的通識課程,能夠激發他們反思生命的根本議題, 例如人生的意義、理想的生命、以及如何活出理想的人生。學生不但會選擇,而且有機會選擇。」

Dr Lynne Yukie Nakano出生於美國夏威夷,1991年及1998年在美國耶魯大學分別取得人類學碩士及博士學位。修讀博士課程期間,開始在香港中文大學日本研究學系(日研系)任教,並於2005-06年度榮獲日研系的優秀教學獎。Dr Nakano現為日研系副教授和性別研究課程的協同主任,同時兼任兩個部門的研究院課程主任。她的研究興趣包括:日本與香港女性和性別研究、婚姻與生活選擇、日本義工服務精神,以及港日兩地對潮流、外表和審美的看法等。

Dr Nakano執教UGC223G「日本文化與社會概論」,介紹日本社會的主要特徵與人文經驗。她設計的這個課程博大精深,有效將各樣不同的通識元素整合起來,啟發同學注意不同學科的相互關係,對不同文化作出學術反思。


這課程精心設計,跟Dr Nakano的心思和生動的教學模式和評估方法配合無間。除了每週必要的讀物外,她鼓勵學生主動參與互動學習,例如堂上討論、網上論壇和電影觀賞,讓學生能夠拓闊視野,重估自己的價值觀。每位同學需要參加一個小組研究計劃,自擬題目,培養搜集、分析、了解資訊的能力,發展合作技巧。同學也需要參與家中開卷考試,內容包括課堂講題、指定讀物和電影。這些評估方法全面反映了同學對日本社會和文化的了解。學生更獲得細心的指引和適時的回應,藉此明瞭老師的期望。Dr Nakano對教學一絲不苟,評估方法嚴謹,指導熱心,同學的作業表現出他們積極投入學習,成為主動的求知者。



 Dr NAKANO Lynne Yukie
 Department of Japanese Studies

"I hope students would choose and are given the opportunity to choose courses that challenge them to address life's most basic questions such as what does it mean to be a human being, what is a good life, and how should we go about living such a life."

Dr Lynne Yukie Nakano obtained her MPhil and PhD in Anthropology from Yale University in 1991 and 1998 respectively. A native of Hawaii, she joined the Department of Japanese Studies (JAS) of The Chinese University of Hong Kong while pursuing her PhD study. She received the Excellence in Teaching Award 2005-06 from JAS.

She is currently an Associate Professor in JAS, and acting as a Co-Director of the Gender Studies Programme. She is also the Head of Graduate Division of both departments. Her research interests include women and gender issues in Japan and Hong Kong, marriage and life choices, volunteerism and civic sphere in Japan, and images of fashion, body and beauty in Hong Kong and Japan.

In recent years, Dr Nakano has been teaching the General Education course UGC223G 'Introduction to Japanese Culture and Society', which introduces students to the major characteristics of Japanese society and human experience. She has successfully designed the course to be comprehensive yet in-depth by integrating various desired General Education attributes. It arouses students' awareness of the interconnection between different disciplines and provides academic reflection on diverse cultures.

Besides subject knowledge, through discussing and analyzing the Japanese society as a complex whole, the course challenges students to go beyond their own stereotypes, reconsider their own values and ways of looking at life, and reexamine how social changes in Japan may affect Hong Kong. Through this process, students' critical thinking ability is also nurtured.

The well-designed course content is synergized with Dr Nakano's thoughtful and engaging teaching and assessment methods. Besides reading required materials weekly, students are encouraged to participate actively in different interactive teaching and learning activities, including class discussions, web-based forums and the viewing of films and documentaries. It helps students broaden their horizon and reexamine their own values. Students are required to conduct a group research project on topics selected by themselves so as to enhance their abilities on data collection, analysis and comprehension, and cultivate their teamwork skill. Students are also required to finish a take-home examination, which covers the lectures, assigned reading and films. These assessment methods thoroughly test students' understanding of Japanese society and culture.

Detailed guidelines and timely feedbacks are also given to students so that they can understand the course's expectations. As reflected in the students' work, Dr Nakano's rigorous teaching and assessment methods and enthusiastic guidance have successfully engaged students to be active and successful learners.

秘書處 : 大學通識教育部
Secretariat : Office of University General Education
Presented by Senate Committee on General Education