15 - CUHK UMP Issue170_Final页


MAR 2014
Our team, GLOVER, comprising
o f
s t uden t s f rom t he
G l oba l Bu s i ne s s S t ud i e s
Programme, aims to serve the
underprivileged stall operators
of Tin Sau Bazaar, Tin Shui
Wai, as well as to increase cross-
district social awareness of children
from middle-class families in Shatin.
Before our social service commenced, we
organized an orientation session. The day
started with a morning welcoming session
at CUHK, with ice-breaking games and a
short tour at CUHK.
The visit to Tin Sau Bazaar followed was the highlight of
the day - it was a memorable first-time visit to Tin Shui
Wai for many of us, even the volunteers. We had great
fun discovering traditional snacks which could not be
found in supermarkets anymore! The visit gave us a more
solid understanding of the Bazaar, and the observations
would certainly help us gain awareness and interest in a
different and relatively-distant social circle.
From the ice-breaking activities, we matched each
GLOVER member to one child to communicate more
effectively with them, and we managed to build intimate
friendships with the children by the end of the day. It was
a heartwarming moment when the children expressed
their excitement about meeting us again at the upcoming
A Budding CLOVER
Students joining the whole-year programme -
ommunity +
ocal &
verseas students +
olunteers =
elationships) have been busy having social gatherings within their own teams and doing voluntary service at their partner
organizations. Two participants of the programme tell us about their work and feelings.
Our team v i s i ted a l oca l pr imar y
school and played games in English
rd to
th grade pupils for our
CLOVER service in the first term. I
was real ly surpr i sed at how wel l -
behaved and enthusiastic all the
students were. It was also
a rare oppor tun i t y for
us non-local students to
v i s i t a loca l school , to
interact with children and
to real ly experience the
nat ive cul ture. CLOVER
wa s a wonde r f u l channe l
for me to catch a gl impse of the
everyday life in Hong Kong.
In addi t ion, CLOVER not onl y prov ided me an
opportuni ty to hang out wi th old fr iends, wi th
whom I f i rst signed up for CLOVER, but i t also
helped me make new friends. Our team members
aptly represent the ethnic and academic diversity
on the CUHK campus: we have Hong Kong local,
mainland Chinese, Hungarian, American, Korean,
Italian, and Russian; our disciplinary interests vary.
We part icipate in CLOVER to learn about Hong
Kong, to make friends, and to give back to the
community that has been ever so generous with us.
Through the CLOVER activities, I feel that our ties
with Hong Kong as well as with each other have
been strengthened.
KIMYoung fromSouthKorea
(MPhil inChineseStudies)
Kate TSOI fromHong Kong
(Global Business Studies / Year 2)