4 - 171_Final页


APR 2014
2. How can students make the best use of various
opportunities provided in university to be more
connected to the world of work?
Students should get the best from thei r teachers
through involving in formal and informal learning
interactions within the university campus. Students
will not only learn more subject knowledge, but also
benefit from the teachers' wisdom and life experiences
which are beyond the specific subject matter.
A l s o , s t uden t s s hou l d s t ep ou t o f t he c ampu s
c omf o r t z one b y pa r t i c i pa t i ng i n e x pe r i en t i a l
l e a r n i n g e x p e r i e n c e s s u c h a s i n t e r n s h i p a n d
exchange programmes to enrich their whole person
development. Through these experiences, students
can learn to deal wi th cul ture shock, cope wi th a
challenging work situation or interpersonal problem,
or adapt to unfavourable l iving condi t ions. These
chal lenges can al low students to develop problem-
solving, communication and organisational ski l ls as
well as cultural awareness which are highly valued in
the world of work. Experiential learning also allows
students to better understand thei r interests and
abilities and in the process cultivate a clearer direction
of their career paths.
3. How can students determine a clearer direction
regarding their job search or career paths?
Student should develop a good understanding of their
interest, ski l ls, values, personal ity, etc. They should
also acquire sufficient knowledge about the world of
work and see how they "fit" into different careers
and work categor ies . Bes ides , students can seek
advice from friends, families and teachers and career
counsellors but it is important for them to make an
informed decision. Reflection on experiential learning
experience also plays an important role in integrating
the learning into sel f-understanding and personal
meanings which are critical to career development
and decision making.
4. Due to changes in Hong Kong’s economic structure,
career mismatch is becoming more prevalent. How
can students strike a balance between their career
aspirations and reality?
In real life there is often a gap between reality and
the "ideal". Many students would have to make some
compromi se in thei r career and educat ional plans
somewhere along their developmental path. Attaining
the "second" choice might not be the end of the world
and it would become a "very good" choice if we can
adapt and make an effort to make this to become a
choice more congruent with our needs and preference.
Students should have the mental preparation to start
at a lower level of a career, or to start in a different
job position other than what they prefer. Taking a
job that is far from one's ideal can become a training
ground for one to develop the necessary skills, know-
how, understanding of the profession, and career
interest to move closer to one's dream careers. A
student can also try to "alter" or influence the work
environment to create a better fit between self and
These days, one's job may not necessarily be directly
related to hi s / her major. Wi th good, del iberate
planning and careful implementat ion, students of
different majors are more likely to get closer to their
career and vocational dreams. It is also important for
students to note that l ife is ful l of possibi l ities and
career pursuit is only one of the key facets.
5. Based on your personal experiences and research
expertise, what tips would you give for our students
t o bene f i t f rom wo r kp l a c e expo s u re and be
successful in career development?
E x p a n d y o u r c om f o r t z o n e , s t e p o u t o f t h e
campus and see the world. Embrace hardships and
chal lenges with courage and openness. Remember,
many success ful peopl e s tar ted f rom the lowes t
pos i t ions or tr ied many di fferent pos i t ions before
reaching their career and l ife goals. Wider exposure
and better understanding of different work nature
and set t ings wi l l cont r ibute to career at tainment
and satisfaction.
More impor tant l y, career planning should not be
pos tponed unt i l the f i na l yea r. I t shou l d be an
ongoing process and an urgent agenda throughout
your un i ve r s i t y l i f e . Be an ea r l y and s y s t ema t i c
p l a n n e r w i t h g o o d u n d e r s t a n d i n g o f t h e j o b
market and yoursel f . Equip yoursel f wi th relevant
experience and ski l ls through strategic participation
i n v a r i o u s a c t i v i t i e s a n d s e l f - d e v e l o p m e n t