Stephen Soong (pen name Lin Yi Liang 林以亮) 1919-1996

Born in China, Soong graduated from the Department of Western Languages of Yenching University (now Peking University). He came to Hong Kong in 1948 where he worked in the United States Information Service and later at Shaw Brothers Studio as head of the scripts department. In 1968, he joined The Chinese University of Hong Kong where he founded the Research Centre for Translation and, with George Kao, the journal Renditions. He is best known for his translations of American Literature and his literary criticism. His representative collections include Anthology of American Poetry 美國詩選 (1963), Lin Yiliang shihua 林以亮詩話 [Discourses on poetry] (1976) and Honglou meng xiyou ji 紅樓夢西遊記 [Honglou meng's journey to the West] (1976).
