
Since the inception of MSTRC, members  have been dedicated to securing research funding via various sources,  conducting top-notch research projects, and pursuing academic  excellence, under an interdisciplinary environment with their expertise, knowledge, synergy, and reputation. Members have demonstrated their  academic achievements through various awards. MSTRC has one Member of  Chinese Academy of Sciences, two recipients of National Natural Science  Award (Class 2), three Croucher Senior Research Fellows, two recipient  of NSFC Outstanding Young Investigator Award, three recipients of CUHK  Research Excellence Award, numerous Best Paper Awards, etc.

In the academic development plan for the  1995-98 triennium published in the summer of 1993 the entry for the MTRC reads as follows: The Material Technology Research Centre, again  recently formed, draws expertise from Physics and Electronic  Engineering, and will co-ordinate research in materials technology  (initially with a focus on silicon materials, ceramics, surface science, thin films and microstructures), and will also act as a central  facility of analytical equipment. It is expected that additional  analytical equipment will be acquired in both the 92-95 and the 95-98  triennia. The Centre will act as the focus for external links.

We have been successful in following this blueprint and are dedicated to expanding our efforts in the future. As  will be seen below there has been a very satisfactory level of  interdepartmental and inter institutional collaboration in research  projects and the MTRC has contributed to encouraging the considerable  amount of materials related research at CUHK.

Materials Sciences and Technology Research Centre


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