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The 1st Greater Bay Area Earth & Environmental Sciences Young Scholars Symposium was launched in CUHK by EESC

Group photo of the symposium participants
Group photo of the symposium participants

The 1st Greater Bay Area Earth & Environmental Sciences Young Scholars Symposium, organized by postgraduate students from the Earth and Environmental Sciences Programme (EESC), was successfully launched on 30th November 2023. The one-day event attracted over fifty attendees from 7 universities and institutes in the Greater Bay area, including Sun Yat-sen University, Southern University of Science and Technology, South China Sea Institute of Oceanology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, The University of Hong Kong, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, in addition to The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

On-site photos of the symposium.
On-site photos of the symposium. (a) Registration of attendees before the symposium. (b) Discussion between audience and presenter. (c) Mohammadreza, a Ph.D. student from PolyU, was giving his presentation. (d) Desserts and poster presentation.

The symposium featured 23 oral presentations and 13 posters covering a wide range of topics, including ocean, atmosphere & soil, structural geology, volcano, seismology, geodetic, and laboratory rock friction experiments. The event provides a platform for multidisciplinary collaboration and mutual promotion of young scholars. At the end of the symposium, three best-oral presentations and two best-poster presentations are awarded to recognize the excellence of the presenters after peer voting of participants.

On-site photos of the symposium.
Photos of best-oral presentation (a) and best-poster presentation (b) winners. The GESS committee invited Prof. LIAO Jie (廖傑) from Sun Yat-sen University and Prof. YANG Hongfeng (楊宏峰) from EESC, CUHK as the awarding guests.

Awardees of the best-oral and the best-poster presentation.
Award Awardee Affiliation
Mr. WANG Peifeng
Earth and Environmental Sciences Programme, CUHK
Ms. CHU Wai Ching
School of Life Science, CUHK
School of Earth Sciences and Engineering, Sun Yat-sen University
Ms. NG Sze In Madeleine
Earth and Environmental Sciences Programme, CUHK
Ms. WANG Ziyan
School of Life Science, CUHK

The symposium is fully organized and run by postgraduate students, with only advisory support from professors. The organizing committee comprises 8 postgraduate students from EESC and prepared the event in 1.5 months. We are proud to share that Ms. Katie, a symposium participant from The University of Hong Kong, expressed her recognition of the symposium's performance and acknowledged the organizing team in her e-mail after the symposium.

Committee members of the GESS symposium
Name Year of Study Research
Ms. HUANG Yiwen
Year 2 (PhD) Volcano simulation
Ms. LAI Donger
Year 3 (PhD) The transformation mechanism of   Organosulfate compounds
Ms. LIU Hui
Year 3 (PhD) Marine Seismology
Ms. MAO Jia
Year 3 (PhD) Atmosphere chemistry
Mr. XIAO Maiqian
Year 2 (PhD) Climate change
Ms. WANG Ziyan
Year 2 (PhD) Coastal wetland biogeochemistry
Mr. ZHANG Wensong
Year 1 (PhD) Deep Learning in Cryosphere
Mr. ZI Jinping
Year 4 (PhD) Induced earthquakes

The organizing committee thanked attendees from different institutions for their coming, which greatly enhances multidisciplinary communication and provides opportunities for scientific cooperation. The committee also expressed gratitude for the support from the Earth and Environmental Sciences Programme, Faculty of Science, as well as extended thanks to all contributors and participants for their support, which contributed to the success of the symposium. Furthermore, The committee gave additional acknowledgment for Prof. CHAN Man Nin (陳文年), Mr. HU Yukai (胡虞鍇), Ms. DENG Di (鄧迪) and Ms. LEI Guoyang (雷果洋) for their remarkable help in the symposium.