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醫生告訴我如果不減肥,什麼藥物都幫不了我Doctor prescribed me with Diuretics and warned me to lose weight or else no other medication could help.  (1, 2)



.....easy but effective movements which can burn fat as well as improve my body shape. Meanwhile, my muscles get firmer during the process in losing weight.



Surprisingly, my allergic rhinitis and asthma have also been cured!


我慢慢意識到營養師在做什麼,她並不是讓我只為減肥而設下一個極速減磅的方案,反而是教我應該怎樣吃 (選擇食物及份量) 。

I slowly realized what my nutritionist was doing. She didn't prescribe a quick fix plan to help me just lose weight but she taught me how to eat.  (1, 2)


「走汁 + 走油 + 走甜 + 適量運動」這基本公式錯不了,也是我最想跟各位分享的。 

Those practical reminders on food choices particularly on the sauce and added sugar in food as well as moderate physical activity are to gear you up for a sustainable health lifestyle. (1, 2)



Investing time and effort into your own wellbeing is the best investment you and your family can have.  (1, 2)


營養師讓我學懂了吃的技巧和常識,學識了如何選擇食物和吃的份量,原來,減肥是真 的不用捱餓的

I had learnt how to choose healthy foods and the portion that I should be eating, as well as, realized that you don't have to be starved in order to lose weight.



I could not believe that by making suitable food choices, the body can heal itself and function more optimally.



I often heard that treatment such as liposuction or going to beauty salons can help lose weight of a certain part of the body, but can also rebound very quickly.



I am happy to share my experience with them, as well as to tell them the important of being persistent and having self-disciplined sine one will only succeed with strict adherence to nutritionist's advice.



Overweight problem drove up the level of my urine acid and had my first gout attack few months ago. I paid my visit to the orthopedist and he strongly suggested me to lose my weight in order to reduce the urine acid level.



Having a low fat diet does not necessarily equal to eating bland and monotonous foods everyday.

57 我是一個中年男性「食肉獸」,個子不高,中學時已是個「肥仔」,體重續步上升到去年的198磅。

I am one of those typical meat lovers and exercise hater. I was used to stay around the upper limit of the scale since high school with average height until mid-age where I even reached 198 lbs.


對我來說,最受用的,是走路時兩個膝蓋不疼了;身體的活動靈活了;走起路來輕鬆了。 (1, 2)

When it comes to the motivation for weight loss, chronic knee pain had accounted for the most of it. (1, 2)



Instead of a restrictive dietary plan, mine was even more liberalized than before as I could have a greater variety of nutritious foods with greater portions.

54 我之所以減肥成功,有幾個要素。第一,是有一個很好的營養師......第二,有身邊的人支持,千萬不要怕別人知道你減肥,有別人支援,很多時會事半功倍......
The reason why I was able to lose weight successfully was because first I had a good nutritionist......Second, don't be afraid to tell people that you are dieting as friends and family support is very important at this difficult stage.
53 改善外形之外,其實更重要的是我血壓本來在偏高的情況也改善了。
Apart from the difference in body shape, my blood pressure also improved.
52 我以為營養師會給我們各種減肥產品,原來我的預測是錯誤的。她只是了解我們的生活和飲食習慣,然後作出指導。
At first, I thought the dietitian will sell us lots of dieting products but I was wrong. She looked at our dietary pattern and lifestyle and gave us advice instead.
51 過年後我決心跟足營養師的餐單進食,果然在一個月後我輕了大約2.2公斤,......而膽固醇更由7mmol 降至現在的5.28mmol。
After the New Year I started to follow the menu plan as prescribed by my dietitian and lost 2.2kg in a month. ......and my cholesterol level from 7mmol dropped to 5.28mmol.
50 自從誕下兒子以後,我的體重不但一直未能回復當年,而且還逐年增加。
Since the birth of my son, my weight had increased every year and had never returned back to my previous weight.
49 因為生完BB後,不停咁進補,無啦啦又重咗好多,見住體重不斷上升,......

My weight has increased due to my pregnancy. I had continuously eaten nutritious food to nourish my body.

48 營養師所提倡的,不是盲目地加或減份量,不是盲目地節食(或絕食),更不是盲目地戒吃什麼或狂吃什麼,而是講求平衡,因應情況去調節飲食。
Nutritionist had also advised that losing weight is not just about aimlessly increasing or decreasing food portion sizes, restricting your food intake (or fasting). ......
47 我要感謝我的家人對我的支持和我的營養師所提倡的建議和她的耐心,使我的減肥計劃成功。
I would like to thank my family for their support and my dietician for her advice and patience in making my weight loss program a success.
46 就算去旅行、婚宴、節日慶祝及外出用膳,只要按照營養師的指示也能減磅。
even if I was to go on holiday, banquet and special occasions and events. Just as long I followed such diet according to my nutritionist I was able to lose weight.
45 減肥不是一朝一夕的事,所以減肥首要條件是堅定的意志和決心,......
Losing weight will not happen instantly, you need to be firm, have the will power, ......
44 "我在減肥期間去了三次旅行、食自助餐也能減磅",如果你聽到會相信嗎?
"During my time on weight management program, I have been to holiday trips thrice and eaten buffets". Will you believe hearing this if someone says so?
43 我覺得跟過去的經驗相比,參加這次計劃感覺較為輕鬆,因為每餐也有「飽飯」吃,不用挨餓。
Compared with my past experience, this weight loss programme was relatively easy and I did not have to starve.
42 其實開始時每一餐都很多食物,白飯更是我以前吃的一倍份量,所以沒有飢餓感,但就是"口痕"。
At the beginning, I could eat abundant amount of foods at each meal and I even doubled the amount of rice that I used to eat before dieting, so I did not feel hungry at all.
41 我一個肥咗咁多年的人都可以成功減至健康水平,只要你們願意踏出第一步,永不放棄的話,一定可以成功瘦身,得到健康的身體,活出美麗的人生!
Although I was overweight for many years, I was still able to lose the excess weight, I believe you can also lose weight and gain a healthy body as long as you take the first step and do not easily give up.
40 以我57歲的年齡,想不到還可以減去近七公斤的脂肪,回復正常的體重。
 I did not think that I can still lose 7kg of fat and return to a normal weight at the age of 57.
39 最近的驗身報告也反映了減肥成效,以往的背痛、高血壓、膽固醇和脂肪肝都隨著今次減肥離我而去;醫生也按不住讚嘆其成效。
My latest medical check-up also shows health improvement, my back pain, hypertension, high cholesterol and fatty liver have disappeared; my doctor was really impressed by such improvement.
38 ......原來美食和健康是可以併存的,自己更加享受和融入家庭樂。
......I realized that gourmet and health can go together, and now I can better enjoy the time with my family.
37 現在的我已由生BB時的198磅減至132磅,身形纖瘦了,而身體亦健康了。
My weight has reduced from 198 to 132 pounds after giving birth. Now, I have a slimmer body shape and a better health.
36 健康生活的確是一個選擇,是一個真正善待自己的選擇!
Healthy living really is a choice, and that is choosing to treat your own body nicely!
35 ......在坐月和哺乳期間進食了大量豬腳薑醋、補品和湯水,不但令我體重上升,更令我的膽固醇指數偏高。
......taking all the traditional Chinese confiinement foods throughout the postpartum care and lactation period made me gain weight and resulted in elevated cholesterol levels.
34 ......我明白了均衡的飲食和適量的運動兩者不可缺少。
......I understand that both balance diet and adequate exercise are keys to maintain good health.
33 ......現在的我,學會了選擇健康食物及每餐進食份量控制,加上明白運動的重要性。
......Now I know how to choose healthy food and control portion, as well as the importance of regular exercise.
32 ......現在,我很開心擁有一個外表更好、感覺更好及生活更好的新生活。
.......Now I have a 'looking better', 'feeling better' and 'living better' new life!
31 ......基於一次身體檢查,驗出所有正常,但是骨質卻偏低,我警覺到身體已開始出毛病......
...... I decided to join this program after finding out my bone density is lower than normal. I know my health is starting to decline and I must take actions. ......
30 ......實行健康的飲食和生活習慣,連生病也少了,身體也變得更健康。
......the greatest reward of putting healthy eating habits and lifestyle habits into practice is a healthier body.
29 她說,肥胖來自飲食與生活習慣。問我,這個多月,辛苦嗎?奇怪的是,我完全不覺受罪。
She said overweight comes with bad eating habits and lifestyle. "did you feel painful in the last few months?" She asked. Amazingly, I did not feel tortured by the weight loss program at all.
28 其實按照營養師的餐單份量去計算每天的攝取量,一點都不艱難。
In fact, following the assigned portion size is not difficult at all.
27 讓我知道如何去避免不健康的食物與及怎樣去進行運動以維持現在健康的體重。
I have learned how to avoid the unhealthy food and maintain physically active to keep my current weight.
26 我參與減肥計劃很輕鬆和開心,仍然可以進行公幹應酬飲宴、與家人朋友大吃自助餐、...... (1, 2)
the process has been very pleasing as I still can eat out for social activities, ......(1, 2)


"Dieting is part of a woman's life-long job" seems quite right, and I have been struggling with this problem for more than ten years.


I think this programme does not only help you lose weight, but also enable you to know what is healthy eating and help you to develop an exercise pattern. I hope this habit can help me retain a healthy body!


My doctor also warned me about my borderline blood pressure and urged me to lose weight, but I did not take it seriously. When my blood pressure went up even higher, I was advised to take medication ......


由當初4月初第一次上磅是64.2kg,轉眼間已接近畢業時間了,現最新體重是54.3kg在這4個多月裡輕輕鬆鬆共減去10kg ......
I was 64.2kg at the beginning but now I am 54.3kg. I have lost 10kg in the last 4 months!


我跟著營養師給我設下的餐單的分量進食,一個月後,體重已減了4kg。 ...... (1, 2)
I ate according to the recommended portions my nutritionist tailor-made for me. After 1 month, l lost 4kg. ...... (1, 2)


......一個多小時的面談,清楚知道自己的目標,由當天起以後的每餐都要進食既定的份量,還要定時,油鹽糖可免則免,要和好味的醬汁醬油說拜拜,...... (1, 2)
......Through an interview held more than an hour, I understood my goal clearly. Starting from that day, I ate the recommended portions in every meal exactly and regularly. Using cooking oil, salt and sugar as less as possible and being restricted from sauces were really a big challenge for me, ...... (1, 2)


I had been overweight and kept gaining weight ever since I was in secondary school, people and even I myself could not accept my figure. Moreover, I encountered my lack of flexibility in activity, ......


...... I used to love spicy food, noodles, etc., my body weight, blood pressure and heart beat were thus increasing. At the same time, I started having leg pain. It did not improve even after seeing a Doctor. ......


I was suffering from hypertension, gout, hypercholesterolemia, and sleep apnea before the weight loss program. I was told to have exercise and to lose weight every time I went to see the doctor. I have tried to lower the intake of beer, food portion, and to lose weight, but there was no effective result. ......


人到中年,肥胖不算是什麼,尤其不是痴肥的那種,但很多毛病就此而來。...... 在我的同事中,有一位以前都是肥仔一名,但近幾個月他的身形消瘦了不少,精神比前好。......
Overweight is prevalent in middle-aged people, but many of them will not pay attention to their health until they are obese. The risk of developing many chronic diseases increases if body weight is above normal range. ...... I heard from one of my colleagues, who was fat before but has become slimmer and he looks fit now, ......


「減肥是女人一生的事業」這說話我在三十歲前還領略不到,...... 而我的興趣正是甜品蛋糕。從此我就踏上不歸路,我由當年112磅暴升至去年的147磅,...... (1, 2)
Before reaching the age of 30, I still could not understand why people said all women like keeping fit throughout their lives. ...... Since my interest is on dessert and cake making, I gained weight from 112 pounds to 147 pounds. ...... (1, 2)
14 我當懷第二胎的後期,發現患上「妊娠糖尿病」,醫生建議我需要控制澱粉質及甜食的攝取量。
I discovered that I suffered from gestational diabetes during my second time of pregnancy. My doctor advised me to control carbohydrate and sugar intake.


Before joining the program at the Centre for Nutritional Studies, not only did I weighed 66.9kg with 38.5% of fat, but also with irregular heartbeat and knee ache. I was really surprised with a loss of 1.6kg in just 10 days time, ......


自從2003年夏天開始,我的腰部及左腳因為生有骨刺 妹妹的舊同學介紹一個「不用吃減肥藥和不用捱餓」的減肥計劃給我 …… (1,2)
Since Summer 2003, spurs were around my waist and my left leg …my sister's schoolmate recommended a keep fit program, which I could avoid taking any medicines and not to suffer from hunger ...... (1,2)


以前諗住有個家庭醫生,有病時,佢會幫我。但當我50歲出頭,身體越來越肥 他只會叫我吃藥 身為一個美食專家的我,吃是我的第二事業 …… (1, 2)
In the past, I relied on my family doctor to help me for any kinds of sickness. However, when I reached the age of 50, my weight kept increasing ...... My doctor only asked me to take medicine to treat them ...... Being an eating expert, eating is my second profession ...... (1, 2)


隨意翻起之前的日記, 原來這幾年裡, 經歷了這麼多的不順境的事情… 昨晚原來是最後一次見營養師了, 不知不覺, 已經半年, 竟然由65, 現55 ……
When I took out my diary book, I was really excited, and I prepared to write my experience down. However, when I looked at the diaries I wrote in the past years, the painful experience drew my tears out ... Last night was the last diet consultation with my nutritionist. Time files, I can't believe that my weight could be reduced from 65kg to 55kg in these six months ......  (1, 2)


轉眼間,參加體重控制計劃已經有三個多月了,隨著營養師的指導下我的體重亦由一百七十多磅減至 ……
Under the guidance of the nutritionists, my weight dropped from more than 170 to ……


不知不覺減肥後已經差不多三個月,我發覺不袛人輕盈了、身體健康了,人自信心都返晒嚟,回想一年前 ……
My health has improved and I’m less clumsy after a 3-month weight loss programme. Now, I am more confident in myself. ……


「肥妹」這個稱呼,自我懂事以來便跟隨著我達三十多年 ......
Being overweight seems to be my fate for the past 30 years ......


近年我身旁的朋友都稱呼我做「肥美」,事實我真的肥得很漂亮啊!所以我從不介意這個稱號 ......
I was used to my nickname "Fat May"; I felt pretty being fat and did not mind being called in this way ......


「真的能夠忍住不吃雪糕、芝士蛋糕?」有人問我 ……
“Can you really stop yourself from having ice-cream and cheese cakes?” Someone asked ……


一次感冒就醫,本人發現血壓高於正常,詳細身體檢查後發覺不但有血壓高 ……
Once I was suffered from fever and visited my doctor, he discovered that my blood pressure was higher than normal.  After a thorough body check-up, I was also diagnosed with ……




忽忽廿載,心廣體胖,由150增王215磅 ......


我是一個已退休肥女人,在廿歲少女時期已開始發福 ......

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