PERSONNEL >> Faculty Members > Prof. YIP Ching Wah Francis




Prof. YIP Ching Wah Francis

葉菁華 教授

Associate Professor

B.Soc.Sc., M.Div. (CUHK); Th.D. (Harvard)

Tel: (852) 2609 8151 Email:


Programme Coordinator of M.A. in Christian Studies and M.A. in Theological Studies

Research Interests:

  1. Christianity and Global Capitalism
  2. Theology and Modernity
  3. Thought of Paul Tillich
  4. Hong Kong Christianity
  5. Chinese Protestant Theology and Practices
  6. Patristic Theology

Current Research Projects:

  1. Public perception of Christianity and Chinese Religions in Hong Kong
  2. Capitalism in a Religious Perspective: A Study of the Writings of Paul Tillich


  1. Capitalism as Religion? A Study of Paul Tillich’s Interpretation of Modernity. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, forthcoming.

  2. 〈尼撒的貴格利論身體〉。《山道期刊》10 (2007): 22-33。

  3. 〈蒂利希對現代性的理解與批判〉。載《蒂利希與漢語神學》,291-311。陳家富編。香港:道風書社,2006。

  4. “Protestant Christianity in Contemporary China.” In Chinese Religions in Contemporary Societies, 175-205. Edited by James Miller. Santa Barbara:ABC-CLIO, 2006.

  5. Protestant Christianity and Popular Religion in China: A Case of Syncretism?” Ching Feng 42, no.34 (1999): 130-175. German version: Protestantisches Christentum und Volksreligion in China: Ein Fall von Synkretismus?” Translated by Helga Voigt. In Christentum chinesisch in Theorie und Praxis, 27-60. Edited by Monika Gansbauer. Hamburg: EMW, China InfoStelle, 2003.

  6. 〈全球資本主義浪潮中基督教的社會原則〉。載《台灣社會變遷中政經倫理之重建:2000年東海大學學術與信仰倫理研討會論文集》, 70-88。李春旺編。台中:東海大學,2000。

  7. 《尋真求全:中國神學與政教處境初探》。香港:基督教中國宗教文化研究社,1997。




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