PERSONNEL >> Faculty Members > Rev. Prof. LO Lung Kwong




Rev. Prof. LO Lung Kwong

盧龍光 教授

Adjunct Professor

B.Sc. (NCHU); M.Div. (CUHK); Ph.D. (Durham)

Tel: (852) 2609 8150 / 2609 6706 Email:


  1. Director of Pastoral Programme (Honorary), Divinity School of Chung Chi College
  2. Director of Shantou University-The Chinese University of Hong Kong Joint Center for Christian Studies (Honorary)

Teaching Areas:

Pastoral Theology, History and Cultures of New Testament Era, Pauline Letters, New Testament Interpretation, Christianity in Hong Kong and China

Research Interests:

  1. The Emergence of Christianity from First Century Judaism
  2. Pauline Theology
  3. Interpretation of New Testament
  4. Theology of Ministry in Hong Kong
  5. The Christianity in Hong Kong and China

Current Research Projects:

  1. The Interaction between Church and Society in the History of Hong Kong
  2. Religion and Politics in Chinese Culture and Christian Contexts
  3. Developments of Studying on Paul’s Letter to the Romans in Chinese Contexts
  4. The Strategy of Development of Chinese Methodist Church in mainland China before 1949
  5. A Study of the Use of Bible on the Issues related to Rites Controversy among Catholic and Protestant Missionaries in China as well as Chinese Christians


  1. 〈外邦基督信徒與猶太人在初期教會的衡突與調解:以《羅馬書》十四章一節至十五章十三節為例〉,載《宗教的和平與衝突》,黎志添編, 香港:中華書局,2008,頁 187-208。

  2. 〈從馬可福音看永生的尋索〉,載《聖經的人生》,盧龍光、鄺炳釗、張修齊編 , 香港:香港中文大學崇基學院神學院,2007,頁 142-148。

  3. 《保羅新觀——羅馬書的主題與目的》,台中:東海大學,2007。

  4. 《《聖經》文學與文化——紀念朱維之教授百年誕辰論集》,盧龍光與王立新合編,天津:南開大學,2007。

  5. 《基督教的身分尋索——使徒行傳與新約書信概論》,香港:天道書樓,2006。《使徒行傳和使徒書信解讀》之修訂版,北京:宗教文化出版社,2005。

  6. 〈外邦基督信徒與猶太人在初期教會的相遇經驗:以《羅馬書》十四章一節至十五章十三節為例〉,載《基督宗教研究》,第九輯,卓新平與許志偉編,北京: 宗教文化出版社,2006,頁117 -141 。

  7. 〈基督教信仰對社區(社群)與公民社會建立的意義〉,載《基督宗教研究》第八輯,北京:宗教文化出版社,2005,頁134-149。

  8. 〈宗教與社區:香港教會及其社會服務的歷史經驗與反思〉,載《基督宗教研究》第六輯,北京:宗教文化出版社 ,2004 ,頁186-218。

  9. 〈聖經:基督教的基礎、歷史與詮譯〉,載《聖經與文學闡釋》盧龍光與梁工合編,北京:人民文學出版社,2003,頁 175-200 。

  10. 《愛你的鄰舍——教會社區工作理論與實踐》,盧龍光編著,台北:校園書房出版社,2003。

  11. 主編 ,《基督教聖經與神學詞典》,香港:漢語聖經協會,2003,780頁。 CD-ROM 電子版, 2004。修訂簡體字版,北京: 宗教文化出版社,2007, 819頁。

  12. 〈香港基督教口述歷史研究述評〉,盧龍光與湯泳詩合著,載《近代中國基督教史研究集刊》第五輯,頁66-77,香港:浸會大學歷史系,2003。

  13. 〈香港的基督教神學教育〉 ,載《基督教學術》第一輯,中國上海:古籍出版社,2002,頁283-307。

  14. 〈香港教會宣教歷史的回顧與反思(1949-1985)〉,載《香港基督教使命和身分尋索的歷史回顧》香港:宗文社,2002,頁9-47。

  15. “Heaviness through Manifold Temptations” in Forty-four Sermons to Serve the Present Age, ed. Angela Shier-Jones and Kimberly D. Reisman (Peterborough, UK: Epworth, 2007) pp. 254-257.

  16. “Search for Identity: Christian Studies in China” (In Italian: “Alla ricerca d’identita: Studi cristiani in cina”) in Teologia in Asia, ed. M. Amaladoss & R. Gibellini (Brescia, Italy: Queriniana, 2006) pp. 151-176.

  17. “Paul’s Gospel to the Gentiles and its Implications for Christians Mission Chinese” in Text and Task: Scripture and Mission, ed.Michael Parsons (Carlisle, UK: Paternoster, 2005) pp.121-139, (A revised Chinese version: 〈保羅傳給外邦人的福音及其對基督教來華宣教的引申意義〉,《聖經文學研究》第一輯,梁工編; published in Biblical Literature Studies, ed. Liang Gong (Beijing: People’s Literature Publication House, 2007, vol. 1, pp. 251-272.)

  18. “Identity Crisis Reflected in Romans 14:1-15:13 and the Implications for the Chinese Christians’ Controversy on Ancestral Worship.” Ching Feng: A Journal on Christianity and Chinese Religion and Culture, New Series. vol.3 no.1-2, pp.23- 59. Hong Kong: Christian Study Centre on Chinese Religion and Culture, 2003. (A revised Chinese version: .〈《羅馬書》 14: 1-15 :13 顯示的身分危機——對中國基督徒祭祖爭議的引申意義〉,載《《聖經》文學與文化——紀念朱維之教授百年誕辰論集》,盧龍光與王立新合編,天津:南開大學,2007,頁 60-68 。)

  19. “The Nature of the Issue of Ancestral Worship among Chinese Christians.” Studies in World Christianity, vol.9.1 pp.30-42. (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2003).

  20. Paul’s Purpose in Writing Romans: The Upbuilding of a Jewish and Gentile Christian Community in Rome, Jian Dao Dissertation Series 6 (Hong Kong: Alliance Bible Seminary, 1998).

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