PERSONNEL >> Faculty Members > Prof. WAN Wai Yiu Milton




Prof. WAN Wai Yiu Milton

溫偉耀 教授

Adjunct Professor

B.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D. (CUHK);
M.C.S. (China Grad. Sch. of Theology); D. Phil. (Oxford)

Tel: (852) 2609 6705 Email:


Project Coordinator of Resource Center for Contemporary Christian Studies

Research Interests:

  1. Systematic Theology
  2. Chinese Philosophy
  3. Spirituality East and West
Current Research Projects:
  1. Transcendent Experiences in Christianity and Chinese Culture
  2. Modernity, Postmodernity and Religiosity
  3. Christianity and Neo-Confucianism
  4. Christology in Chinese Religious Context
  1. 〈神學研究與基督宗教經驗——一篇嘗試為漢語神學研究者定位的學術報告〉,《道風:基督教文化評論》,楊熙楠、陳家富、林子淳編,29(2008年秋):123-153。

  2. 〈跨文化視域中的當代中國基督論重構〉,《基督宗教研究(第九輯)》,卓新平、許志偉編,北京:宗教文化出版社,2006,頁24-53。

  3. 〈蒂利希對“出神”宗教經驗的三種歧義〉,《蒂利希與漢語神學》,陳家富編,香港:道風書社,2006,頁143-167。

  4. Fear of the Lord” as the Beginning of Wisdom: An Asian Reading of the Book of Proverbs,” in Wisdom in China and the West. Edited by Vincent Shen and Willard Oxtoby. Washington DC: The Council for Research in Value and Philosophy, 2004. pp. 57–66.




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