Workshops, Seminars and Events
Thinking Methodologically in Teaching and Learning Research: Thematic Analysis of Qualitative Data

Abstract: Thematic analysis (TA) is one of the most commonly used methods of analysing data, particularly in social science disciplines such as Applied Linguistics and Education. This is understandable, given it is a methodical approach to the organisation and description of qualitative data in rich detail. However, despite its prevalence, its use is often unacknowledged or not fully understood. This workshop will help participants develop their understanding of TA as a form of qualitative data analysis. This will include discussing the theoretical positioning of TA, as well as the practical process of conducting empirical research using the approach. Additionally, by drawing on examples from published studies, participants will discuss the strengths and limitations of the approach, and will be invited to consider how it can be applied to their own areas of research interests. This will be supported with practical, hands-on group work, in which participants will be given the opportunity to practice coding and analysis of qualitative interview data.

Speaker: Dr. Adam Brandt, Senior Lecturer in Applied Linguistics and Head of Applied Linguistics & Communication, Newcastle University, UK

Date & Time: 19 June 2023 (Monday) 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm (HKT)

Venue: Online via Zoom

Bio of the speaker: Dr Adam Brandt is Senior Lecturer in Applied Linguistics and Head of Applied Linguistics & Communication at Newcastle University in the UK.

In his research, Adam is interested in intercultural and international workplaces, including educational settings such as universities and language classrooms. He is also interested in technologies for communication, including video-conferencing platforms and AI-powered conversational user interfaces.

Adam has taught Research Methods to over 1,000 MA students. He has supervised around 20 PhD and over 100 MA dissertation projects, which have covered wide range of topics related to Applied Linguistics and Education, and employed various methodological approaches.

Registration: https://cuhk.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6y4xAawyLHk2LB4
Registration deadline: 15 June 2023, Thursday (11:59 pm, HKT)

Please click here for the event poster.

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