All poster sessions will be held in the Teaching Complex at Western Campus on 22 October 2010.
►A Poster is a display illustrating a project or a theory. There is a scheduled opportunity for the presenter to discuss the material with interested participants.
►The accepted presenters will be given a notice board (140 cm in height and 90 cm in width) for them to present their teaching and learning ideas in a poster format. There will also be a number of computers with internet connection at the venue for presenters to demonstrate their materials if needed, but these computers may not be placed directly beside each poster. Wireless network is also available so that presenters can use their own notebook computers at the venue as well. To assist viewers in understanding your innovative ideas, you are highly recommended to bring along a handout of your full paper or abstract. Presenters are expected to be ready in front of their display during the lunch break (Don't worry, we will bring lunch to you! You are most welcomed to discuss your ideas and work with interested folk when enjoying our meal!)
►Presentation topics, name of the author(s), and departments should be placed at the top of the poster.
►Brief introduction, development or research methods, results and discussions should be clearly stated in the poster.
►Using columns is a good idea. But please be reminded that the first column should start at the left-hand side of the board.
►Focus on a few main points with enough clear graphics for illustration.
►Use dot points for the presentation and use large and clear font sizes.
►More information about the poster preparation can be downloaded here.