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Journal of Chinese Linguistics vol.30, no.1 (2002)

中国语言学报 30 卷 1期 (2002)

Article 文章

"Special words" in Chinese dialects -- Coincident exceptions (in Chinese)
汉语方言的「特字」: 一致的例外

Ting Pang-Hsin 丁邦新

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Syntactic structures of Chinese serial verb constructions

Alice Yin Wa Chan  陈燕华

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Independent depressor and register effects in Wu dialect tonology: Evidence from Wenzhou tone sandhi

Phil Rose

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Inecriteria for Chinese dialect classification and the problem of the position of the "Hakka dialect' in Chinese dialect groupin

Chun-fat Lau 刘镇发

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Some ritual verbs in Shang texts

Ken-ichi Takashima  高岛谦一

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Discussion 讨论

A response to Alexander Vovin's criticism of the Sino-Caucasian theory
答 Alexander Vovin 对汉-高加索语系理论的评论

Sergei Starostin

Abstract 摘要 PDF
Building a rum-pa for Sino-Caucasian -- A reply to Sergei Starostin's reply
建立中的 “汉-高加索假说” 之塔: 答 Sergai Starostin 的回答

Alexander Vovin

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Review 书评

Review: Tone sandhi: Patterns across Chinese Dialects by Matthew Y. Chen
书评:汉语方言的连续变调模式 陈渊泉著

Bao Zhiming 包智明

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Review:Issues in Chinese Dialect Description and Classification edited by Richard Vanness Simmons
书评:汉语方言描述及分类问题探讨 Richard Vanness Simmons 编

Laurent Sagart 沙加尔

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Morphology in archaic Chinese: A review ofThe Roots of Old Chinese by Laurent Sagart
上古汉语的构词问题: 评The Roots of Old Chinese by Laurent Sagart

Ting Pang-Hsin  丁邦新

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