JCL MONOGRAPH SERIES NO.3 专著系列 3 卷 (1991)
Edited by William S-Y. Wang 王士元 主编
Table of Contents
目录 |
引言 William S-Y. Wang 王士元
Abstract 摘要 |
Part A: General Contribution
Red blood cell group polymorphism among Chinese
中国人中红血球组的多态性 Yida Yuan 袁义达
Abstract 摘要 | |
Migrations in Chinese History and Their Legacy on Chinese Dialects
中国历史上的移民及其方言的继承 Zhenhe Zhou 周振鹤
Abstract 摘要 | |
Population Movements in Qing China and Their Linguistic Legacy
中国清代人口流动与其语言继承 James Lee; Bin R. Wong
Abstract 摘要 | |
Quantifying Affinity among Chinese Dialects
汉语方言亲疏计量关系 Chin-Chuan Cheng 郑锦全 |
Abstract 摘要 | |
Overview of Tone sandhi Phenomena
变调现象概说 Matthew Y. Chen 陈渊泉
Abstract 摘要 |
Part B: Major Linguistic Group
Language Interaction in China
中国语言的互动 Jun Wang
Abstract 摘要 | |
Some Theoretical Issues in the Study of Mandarin Dialects
北方方言的理论问题 Pang-Hsin Ting 丁邦新
Abstract 摘要 | |
Introduction to the Wu Dialects
吴方言引论 Wuyun Pan 潘悟云
Abstract 摘要 | |
Yue Dialect
粤方言 Anne Yue-Hashimoto 余霭芹 |
Abstract 摘要 | |
Min Dialects in Historical Perspective
历史闽方言研究 Jerry Norman 罗杰瑞
Abstract 摘要 |
Part C: Cities: Beijing and Shanghai
Scope of Pekingese
北京话的内涵 Tao Lin 林焘
Abstract 摘要 | |
Changes in Shanghai Dialect
上海地区的汉语 Nairong Qian 钱乃荣
Abstract 摘要 |
Part D: Comments
Chinese Dialect Studies
汉语方言研究 Edwin G. Pulleyblank 蒲立本
Abstract 摘要 | |
Tone sanhi and Morphological Relics
变调与词素遗迹 Tsu-Lin Mei 梅祖麟
Abstract 摘要 | |
Closing Remark
结束语 Dexi Zhu 朱德熙
Abstract 摘要 |