Welcome to the book website of Stephen Matthews and Virginia Yip's Cantonese: A Comprehensive Grammar (2nd edition), published in 2011 by Routledge. Here, we aim to provide audio-visual materials and references supporting our book and research on Cantonese linguistics in general. It is our hope that this website will benefit readers of our revised Grammar from all walks of life, including learners and teachers of Cantonese as well as academics and professionals whose work involves Cantonese.

The revision of Cantonese: A Comprehensive Grammar and the production of this website were fully supported by a grant from the Research Grants Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China ('Rethinking Cantonese grammar: typology, processing and acquisition', project reference HKU 748207H).

Queries, comments and suggestions are very much welcome and can be directed to:


Professor Stephen Matthews
School of Humanities (Linguistics)
CRT-909, Run Run Shaw Tower
The University of Hong Kong
Pokfulam Road
Tel: 3917-2752
Fax: 2546-7477
Email: matthews at hku dot hk
Professor Virginia Yip
Department of Linguistics and Modern Languages
Ground Floor, Leung Kau Kui Building
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Shatin, New Territories
Tel: 3943-7019
Fax: 2603-7755
Email: vcymatthews at cuhk dot edu dot hk


Website maintained by the Childhood Bilingualism Research Centre (cbrc at cuhk dot edu dot hk) and Jackson Lee (jsllee at uchicago dot edu).

Last updated: Jan 5, 2011

copyright © 2010 | Childhood Bilingualism Research Centre