
夏伯嘉院士 Prof. Hsia Po Chia

中央研究院人文及社會科學組夏伯嘉院士,1955年生於香港,現為美國賓州州立大學Edwin Erle Sparks歷史學講座教授,並曾歷任多所著名大學歷史學教授,包括紐約大學、麻省大學、康乃爾大學及哥倫比亞大學等。主要研究領域為歐洲宗教改革時期新教(Protestant Reformation)、天主教改革運動(Catholic Renewal)、反猶太運動(Anti-Semitism)和中歐文化交流(Encounter between Europe and Asia)。 夏教授早年於香港就讀,1978年獲得哈佛大學歷史碩士學位,1982年取得耶魯大學歷史學哲學博士學位,其後獲獎無數,於2000年獲選為中央研究院院士。他的著作甚豐,曾出版超過二十本書及發表近一百五十篇學術文章。夏教授精通多個歐洲語言。他除了使用英語進行研究外,亦以拉丁文、希臘語、德文、法文、意大利文、荷蘭語、西班牙文及葡萄牙文等進行研究工作。 按此瀏覽夏伯嘉院士簡歷、著作及學術榮譽。

Professor Hsia Po-Chia from Humanities and Social Science was born in Hong Kong in 1955. Prof. Hsia is currently an Edwin Erle Sparks Professor of History in Pennsylvania State University. He has been teaching in various distinguished institutions in the United States, including New York University, University of Massachusetts, Cornell University and Columbia University. His research has focused on history of the Protestant Reformation, Catholic Renewal, anti-Semitism, and the encounter between Europe and Asia. Prof. Hsia was educated in Hong Kong during his childhood. He attained his Master degree in History from Harvard university in 1978 and Doctoral degree in History from Yale University in 1982. His academic achievement was recognized by various awards, with Academician of Academia Sinica being conferred in 2000. He has also published more than 20 books and nearly 150 articles. Instead of solely English, the research languages of Prof. Hsia also include Latin, Greek, German, French, Italian, Dutch, Spanish, Portuguese. Click here to view Curriculum Vitae, Publications and Academic Awards of Prof. Hsia