5 - CUHK UMP Issue170_Final页


MAR 2014
3. How can mental health be improved through
the practice of mindfulness?
Mindfulness has proven to be effect ive in helping
people with depression and anxiety as well as other
physical and mental health conditions in numerous
r e s e a r c h s t ud i e s . The c on c ep t o f mi nd f u l ne s s
emphas i zes at tend i ng and obser v i ng one ' s own
perceptions, sensations, thoughts, and feelings non-
judgmental ly in the present moment. Since l ife has
ups and downs, it is unreasonable and impossible to
stay happy al l the time. Through the cultivation of
mindfulness, one is encouraged to see life as it is and
to live with an open awareness of the ups and downs
in life. With awareness, you can choose how you live
your life.
Wi th the advancement in technology such as the
widespread use of smartphones, mindfulness can
help us live mindfully in midst of the bombardment of
information that may distract our mind and add to our
stress. Instead of reacting passively and automatically
to the information received in the internet and social
media, we can always go back to our breathing and be
mindfully aware of our surroundings and the type of
information we need.
4. What tips would you give to CU-ers on healthy
and positive living ?
In order to maintain one's health and positive well-
being, students may consider practising mindfulness
which promotes spending more t ime in observing
one's inner self. Although we are all busy living in a
fast-paced world with tight schedules, we can choose
to live mindfully in busyness.
For example, you can try walking or standing mindfully,
or l istening or observing attentively to the sounds
or scenery around you. You can spend as little as a
minute or two each time by focusing your attention on
your breathing. Breathing never stops as long as we
are alive, so it is a great anchor for us to return to the
The interview with Professor Mak was a very pleasant
experience. Stepping into her office, the soothing scent
of eucalyptus, the sight of beautiful postcards from
all over the world and lovely handmade cards from
students captured our attention. The space was filled
with a sense of peace and tranquility. Professor Mak
is a very modest and lively person who is generous in
sharing her knowledge and ideas. As she talked about
her work and mission, her face beamed with enthusiasm
and compassion. Her sense of being is definitely a good
example of how mindful living positively impacts on
one's life as well as those around.
For more information on Professor
Mak's projects on mental health
Wiseliving :
Stigma Watch:
Diversity and
Mental Health
Promotion Lab:
present moment. By focusing on your breathing, you
are reminded that you are still alive and that all things
and events change from moment to moment. Life in
itself is already precious. With this realization, it will
be easier to let go of our worries or burden, and be
more able to appreciate and be contented with the
Another consideration is to be clear about your own
values and to ask yourself whether the things you
are pursuing are consistent with your values. This is
important because sometimes you may just bl indly
fol low what i s expected of you from the society
wi thout thinking or even knowing whether i t i s
suitable for you. The ultimate goal is to know thyself
and to "let go" by being less concerned about your
personal gains and losses. In this way, you can be
less self-centered and more compassionate towards
yourself and others.