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What is service?
" This is the first question asked
by the journalists after I received the Hong Kong
Youth Service Award. In my mind, doing services is
like picking up starfishes on the shore and throwing
them back into the sea in order to save them for
dehydration. It is without any doubt that you can never
save them all by picking up one by one on your own.
But how about picking up a thousand or ten thousands
of them at a time by persuading thousands of people
joining you?
It is the difference between taking part in a service and
initiating one yourself. Initiating a service does not
only help more needy people with more helping hands,
but also spreading the seeds of service and the caring
spirit in our community.
Being the president of the
CUHK Cross-border
Health Exhibition Organizing Committee
in 2014,
I led a team of more than 200 medical students
to organize a territory-wide health exhibition with
health screenings, health talks, information board
demonstrations and free consultations for the public.
Aiming to expand and further develop the scope of the
exhibition, I drove the event to step out of Hong Kong
and held another week of public exhibitions in Macau,
serving over 13,000 Hong Kong and Macau citizens.
In 2015, I set up the Hong Kong
Embrace with
Empathy” Char i ty Service Project
target ing
handicapped and disabled citizens, and founded the
Hong Kong StarCatchers Minority Adolescent
Concern Organization
. The former is collaborated
with Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation, Hong Kong
Medical Association and the Faculty of Medicine of
CUHK. Seeing the shortcomings of the previous health
exhibitions as having been carried out in repetitive
districts, the new project focused on rehabilitation-
after-diseases-related health exhibitions, basic health
screenings and service programmes in var ious
centres of Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation in all
18 districts. The major aim is to serve the disabled
pat ients and to educate the publ ic wi th correct
knowledge concerning rehabilitation. As for the
Kong StarCatchers Minority Adolescent Concern
, it aims to provide a platform for all
university students in Hong Kong to offer sustained
free tutoring service to the underprivileged ethnic
minority adolescents. It is now serving around 10
public housing estates and still expanding.
I would real ly want my service l i fe to keep on
even after my graduation and this is the reason
why I registered a charitable organization, namely
Association of Doctors for Social Responsibility
last year. This organization comprises of hundreds
of doctors from different fields but all with the caring
hearts to serve the general public. We aim to offer pro
bono health screenings, referrals and consultations to
the underprivileged citizens in the community.
Star f i shes are st i l l everywhere on the shore.
Nevertheless, there is faith inside me that this is only a
beginning for me to serve our society. My passion will
help the seeds of service to germinate and grow tall in
the hearts of more and more.
With a strong motivation to integrate his profession with interest in community
services and solid contribution to the society, Mr. Paul Lee (Medicine/ year 4) received
the Hong Kong Youth Service Award 2016 together with four other youngsters. He is
delighted to share in here his thoughts and experience in volunteering.
CUHK Cross-border Health Exhibition 2014
Health Exhibition with Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation 2015
MAR 2017