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Prof. Kung Lap Yan
龔立人 教授

Associate Professor

B.Th. (Lutheran Theol. Sem.); M.Phil. (St. Andrews);
Ph.D. (Glasgow)

Tel: (852) 3943 6474
Email: kungly@cuhk.edu.hk


  1. Programme Coordinator of M. Theol. & D. Theol.

Research Interests:

  1. Church / State relation
  2. Theological ethics
  3. Contemporary theologies
  4. Pentecostalism

Current Research Projects:

  1. Religion and social policy
  2. Christianity and global social movement
  3. Public Theology
  4. Theology and disability
  5. Life education
  6. Church and State Relation in China

Publications (from 2006 onward):

  1. "Exchange Relation as a Form of Authoritarian Governance: Church-State Relation in China under the Vision of Harmonious Society", in Religion, State and Society, (2008) (forthcoming)
  2. "‘Leisure: Work, Freedom and Spirituality", in Thor Strandenaes (ed.), Urban Christian Spirituality in a New Millennium (Oxford: Regnum, 2008) (forthcoming)
  3. "For God so Loved the World: Global Warming and the Churches of Asia", in Epworth Review, 35:2 (2008): 29-37.
  4. "National Identity and Ethno-Religious Identity: a Critical Inquiry into Chinese Religious Policy, with Reference to the Uighurs in Xinjiang"’, in Religion, State and Society, 34:3 (2006): 375-391.
  5. 〈風險與信任:以醫治和健康為例探討膜拜團體的社會意義〉,載《成功大學宗教與文化學報》,9 (2008)。 (Risk and Trust: The Social Significance of New Religions, with Reference to Health and Healing
  6. 〈國際關係的柔性力量──德性、靈性與基督教〉,李景雄編:《道德已死:德性生命的再思》(香港:明風,2008) (The Soft Power in International Relations: Virture, Spirituality and Christianity)
  7. 《不正常的信仰:身體、身分與政治》。香港:基督徒學生福音團契,2008。200頁。 (The Faith of Peculiar Person)
  8. 〈多元主義、香港與教會〉,陳慎慶等著:《衝突與融和:後九七的香港教會與社會》。香港:香港基督徒學會,2008。頁55-66。 (Pluralism, Hong Kong and the Church)
  9. 〈教會是基督殘障的身體〉,載《山道期刊》,19(2007): 83-97。 (The Church as the Disabled Body of Christ)
  10. 《後九七香港夢幻生活:回憶、符號與空間》。香港:Voice,2007。232頁。 (Life After 1997: Memory, Symbols and Space)
  11. 《糾纏的靈性:社會、倫理與教會》。香港:香港基督徒學會,2006。183頁。 (Engaged Spirituality: Essays in Religion, Society and Religion)
  12. 〈倫理以外的基督宗教倫理:靈性的再發現〉,載《輔仁宗教研究》,16:2 (2006): 154-174。 (Beyond Ethics: A Rediscovery of Spirituality in Christian Ethics)

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