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Rev. Dr. Tobias Brandner
白德培 牧師

Associate Professor

Programme Director of BA in Theology

M.Div., Th.D. (University of Zurich)

Tel: (852) 3943 1368
Email: tobiasbran@gmail.com

Research Interests:

  1. Christian faith and pastoral ministry in prison
  2. Postdenominational theological and spiritual movements: ecumenism, Evangelicalism, Pentecostalism
  3. Mission history and present-day missionary movements

Current Research Projects:

  1. The Basel Mission in China
  2. Pastoral theology and volunteers' ministry in prison
  3. History of Western Christianity - a study tool for Chinese readers
  4. Pentecostalism, politics, and public spheres


  1. Beyond the Walls of Separation. Christian Faith and Ministry in Prison, Eugene, Oregon: Cascade, 2014.
  2. 《鐵窗內的心靈世界——港基督教監獄事工面面觀》。香港:基道出版社,2010。
  3. 《超越藩籬——基督教更生事工點滴》。香港中文大學崇基學院神學院,2014。

Articles/Book Chapters:

  1. "Back and Forth of Theology and Faith Life: Theological education and Church History." 載入邢福增等編:《人言我為誰乎?盧龍光院長榮休紀念文集》。香港:基督教文藝出版社,2014。15-34。
  2. "The Political Context of Religious Exchanges: A Study on Chinese Protestants' International Relations." in Journal of Current Chinese Affairs 3 (2013): 149-179.
  3. "Varieties of Ecumenism: Towards an Understanding of the Changing Frameworks of Ecumenism." in Koinonia: Journal of Christian Studies 3, (November 2012): 84-104.
  4. "Religious Counseling in the Penal Context: Strategies of Trust and Establishment of Trusting Relationships in a Context of Distrust." in Journal of Pastoral Care and Counseling Vol 67, No 2 (2013), 4:1-14.
  5. "Hosts and Guests: Hospitality as an Emerging Paradigm in Mission." in International Review of MIssion 102.1 (396) April 2013, 94-102.
  6. "Caught in the Middle: Issues of Interculturality in Early Missionary Encounters. The Case of the Basel Mission with Particular Regard to Theodor Hamberg." in Ching Feng 10/1-2, 2010-11, (2012) 121-140.
  7. "Seelsorge und Freundschaft. Pastorale Rollenvielfalt und Rollenambiguitat in der Gefangenenseelsorge." in Nachdenkliche Seelsorge - Seelsorgliches Nachdenken: Festschrift fur Christoph Morgenthaler. Edited by Ralph Kunz und Isabelle Noth. Gottingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2012. 184-200.
  8. "Charismatic Faith and Prison Minisstry." in Australasian Pentecostal Studies 14 (2012), 20-40.
  9. "Trying in make sense of history: A Tradition of Countercultural Belief and their Theoligical and Political Interpretation of Past and Present History." in Studies in World Chrisitanity 17.3 (2011): 216-236.
  10. "From Charity to Social Justice. An Analysis of Transformation Processes among Volunteers in Prison Ministry." In Asian Christian Review, 4 (1) (2010): 82-92.
  11. "Mission, Millennium, and Politics: A Continuation of the History of Salvation - from the East." in Missiology: An International Review 37 (3) (July 2009): 317-332.

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