What we do
Meeting with Dr. Carlo Colesanti, Examiner of European Patent Office
Mr. YS Chan, our Contract and IP Manager met with Dr. Carlo Colesanti and received update on various aspects of patent laws in Europe.
Commercialization of Interactive Weight Bearing Exercise Platform
香港中文大學舉辦「2010年學生創新與創業作品」展覽會中大畢業生回收廢油製環保生物柴油 紓緩全球暖化
港中文大學(中大)學生歷來於多項國際、全國及本港的科技發明比賽和創業比賽中獲得驕人成績。為向各界展示同學的傑出成就,中大於今天起至周五(5月10日至14日)舉行「2010年學生創新與創業作品」展覽會,展出得獎同學的作品,涵蓋醫療、環保建築、城市規劃及可再生能源等多個範疇。開幕典禮今天假大學校園舉行,由香港特別行政區創新科技署署理署長黎志華先生、中央人民政府駐香港特別行政區聯絡辦公室青年工作部副部長李薊貽先生、中大校長劉遵義教授,以及副校長黃乃正教授主禮。 ....
University Technologies Showcase
On 20 November, Hong Kong Science and Technology Park will host a technology seminar with experts from top Hong Kong universities including CUHK, HKUST and CityU sharing their updated Electronic projects. The seminar is to bridge academia with industry and facilitate knowledge transfer in order to encourage both to maintain a steady exchange of knowledge ....
Date: 20th Nov 2009
Time: 1400-1600
Venue: Convention Hall 1, G/F Core Building 1, Hong Kong Science Park
(Location map of Science Park: Transportation)
CUHK Invents Vibration Platform to Improve Human Musculoskeletal System
The Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) has developed an innovative vibration platform that could prevent and improve osteoporosis and related diseases by employing low-magnitude and high-frequency whole-body vibration (LMHFV). The vibration platform also improves blood circulation, relieves pressure and other muscle and bone problems, such as low back pain and poor balance due to degeneration in muscles and neurological diseases. By matching the natural frequency of the human body, the platform provides mechanical stimulation to improve the musculoskeletal system ....

CUHK’s Groundbreaking Discovery in Semiconducting Nanowires Advances Nanotechnology

Have you ever imagined owning a personal quantum computer when faced with problems of inadequate storage and congested network? Prof. Liu Renbao, Assistant Professor of the Department of Physics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), has achieved a significant breakthrough by prolonging the lifespan of the state of quantum superposition from less than 0.04 microseconds to 30 microseconds in his joint research with the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC). Widely recognized as a great leap in quantum computing, the research is published in the latest edition of the prestigious international science journal Nature ....

Establishment of the Downstream Development Seed Fund

To encourage research and technology transfer activities, the Patent Committee of the University has created the Seed Fund.  It is accessible to University researchers for the development of technologies and concepts for commercialization. The Seed Fund will enable University researchers who are in need of seed/proof of concept funding to optimize their technologies so as to make them more attractive to the industries for technology transfer activities. Applications should be directed to the Technology Licensing Office using the application form for onward submission to the Patent Committee for consideration.  For enquiries, please contact Ms. Gadys Wong at 2609 8863.
Workshop on 29th April 2008 at 12:15 pm: “From Ideas to Startup - A primer for campus entrepreneurs”

12:15-12:30 Registration (Pizza and soft drinks will be served)
12:30-12:35 Welcome Speech by Ms. Alice Ngan, Director, Technology Licensing Office
12: 30-1:30  Startup models – why, what, and who by Prof. Kevin Au & Mr. Mingles Tsoi
Coffee & Tea
2:15-2:45     How VC evaluates spin-offs and what constitutes a good investment opportunity to VC? by Mr. Simon Flood, Executive Director, Imprimatur Capital*
2:45-3:15     Q&A (panel of experts)

Venue: LT2, Lady Shaw Building


BioX @ Science Park

Date: 28-April 2008 (Monday)
Time: 9:30am-5:00pm
Venue: Auditorium, Hong Kong Science Park, Shatin
Registration: Please registe at
"When Do Discoveries Become Innovations? Inventing New Process and Materials for Innovations with Materials" Wei Lun Public Lecture by Professor Ludwig J. Gauckler

Time: 5:00pm
Venue: T Y Wong Hall, 5/F, Ho Sin-Hang Engineering Building, CUHK
Online registration:

Workshop on Commercialization of IP in Photonic and Electronic Engineering by Imprimatur Captial

A workshop on Commercialization of Intellectual Property in Photonic and Electronic Engineering will be held on 15th Nov 2007 from 2:30-3:30pm at RM 222, HSH Engineering Building (Conference Room of the Department of Electronic Engineering). TLO has invited Dr. Peter Curley and Mr. Simon Flood of Imprimatur Capital to share with us their experience in commercializing technologies in photonic science.   They will also be actively looking for projects that they could help commercialize.  

CUHK Sets Up the First Food Composition Database in Hong Kong

The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) has received a funding of nearly HK$18 million from The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust to set up the first ever Food Composition Database (the Database) in Hong Kong [Chief Executive’s Community Project List 2006 (S/N Ref 2006/CP01)]. With strong support from the Centre for Food Safety, Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD), the project was put into operation starting from July this year. Apart from analyzing over 1,000 food ingredients commonly used in the local territory in the next 3 years, the Database will provide detailed food composition reference data and technical support for the local food industry (especially SMEs) via its website, with a view to assisting the industry to comply with the proposed Labelling Scheme on Nutrition Information. The Database will help the industry to reduce the cost for creating nutrition labels for its food products in the long term....

CUHK at Innovation Festival 2007

The Innovation Festival will be held from 14 to 18 September at Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. As one of the main exhibitors, The Chinese University of Hong Kong will display a series of latest technology breakthroughs. With a space of 350 square meters, the CUHK’s booth is divided into six zones, including Magic Mirror Corridor, Care for Environment, Health Care, Wireless Communication, Education Technologies and State Key Labs, displaying over 20 research projects....

Multi-centre Study by CUHK Proves a New Treatment Option for Asian Chronic Hepatitis C Patients

Chronic hepatitis C is an important cause of liver cirrhosis and liver cancer. According to the 2005 updated report by the Department of Health, approximately 10% of people with history of blood transfusion and over 50% of intravenous drug abusers in Hong Kong are infected by hepatitis C virus. One-fifth of chronic hepatitis C patients will progress to liver cirrhosis in 20 years, and 1%-4% of cirrhotic patients will develop liver cancer every year. Currently, the standard treatment of chronic hepatitis C is combination of peginterferon-alfa and ribavirin. For genotype 1 hepatitis C virus, which is the commonest yet the difficult-to-treat viral genotype, 1-year combination treatment is associated with approximately 50% sustained virological response, i.e. viral clearance at 6 months after stopping treatment....

CUHK Breakthrough Research May Point Way to New Treatment for Prostate Cancer

Errors in the way the body’s cells process information by means of signalling pathways are responsible for many diseases such as cancer, autoimmunity and diabetes. In a paper just published in the leading international journal Cancer Research, researchers from the Department of Anatomy and the Department of Surgery at The Chinese University of Hong Kong describe their discovery of a new cell signalling pathway that is implicated in the development of prostate cancer. Their study finds ERRγ, a particular subtype of estrogen receptor-related receptors (ERR), suppresses proliferation and tumour growth of prostate cancer cells and implies a new therapeutic target for prostate cancer.....

CUHK embarks on the next information revolution – Network Coding Theory
“The history of modern communications systems has been marked by flashes of startling insight” wrote in the June issue of Scientific American, is a detailed report on Network Coding Theory, a theory originated at CUHK by Professor Shuo-Yen Robert Li, Professor Raymond Wai-Ho Yeung, Dr. Ning Cai of Department of Information Engineering, and Professor Rudolf Ahlswede from Germany. Scientific American was first published in 1845, making it the oldest continuously published magazine in the United States. It brings articles about forefront research to a wide range of audiences in both the U.S. and worldwide....
CUHK Engineering Scientist Awarded Prestigious German Research Award
Professor Raymond Wai-Ho Yeung, Professor of Information Engineering of The Chinese University of Hong Kong was awarded the Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Award to visit Munich University of Technology from January to April, 2007....
Vice-Chancellor’s Cup of CUHK Nurture Future Entrepreneurs
To be a successful entrepreneur is the shared dream of many young people. But how to turn good ideas into profitable business is always the most critical challenge for them. Last Saturday (February 3rd), 20 students of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) took their first steps down the road to entrepreneurship by participating in the Vice-Chancellor’s Cup of Student Entrepreneurship organized by the CUHK’s Center for Entrepreneurship...
CUHK and Evivar Medical set up the Centre of Excellence for the management of Hepatits B

Treatment of viral hepatitis B is hampered by the limited number of anti-viral drugs available and the frequent emergence of drug-resistant viruses after a period of medication. There are many mutations leading to drug resistance exist in the viral genome which varies in different individuals especially in those receiving different anti-viral drugs. As the number of drugs available increases, cross drug resistance profile of the virus increases significantly, making the correct selection of drug at the right time increasingly important. A highly complex matrix of mutation pattern from worldwide data is now collected in a unique and comprehensive database called SeqHepB. Information in the database will be invaluable in guiding clinicians to choose the best anti-viral drugs of individuals who require treatment. ...
CUHK and Zhejiang University Conclude Collaboration Agreements and Open Joint Laboratory on Natural Products and Toxicology Research

The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) and Zhejiang University (ZJU) signed collaboration agreements and opened the Joint Laboratory on Natural Products and Toxicology Research on 15 January 2007. Four collaboration agreements were renewed or signed to maintain the long-term academic partnership between the two major universities of China. Professor Zhang Junsheng, Chairman of ZJU Development Committee, Professor Yang Wei, President of ZJU led a 16-member delegation to CUHK. ...



Breakthrough in Down’s Syndrome Testing Opens to Revolutionary Non-Invasive Prenatal Diagnosis

A revolutionary new approach for the noninvasive prenatal testing of Down’s syndrome developed by a team led by Professor Dennis Lo Yuk Ming from the Li Ka Shing Institute of Health Sciences of the Faculty of Medicine of The Chinese University of Hong Kong was reported in the latest issue of the top biomedical journal Nature Medicine. This research has been supported by the Innovation and Technology Fund of the Hong Kong SAR Government and the Chair Professorship Scheme of the Li Ka Shing Foundation. ...

CUHK pioneers the use of minimally invasive and non-invasive lengthening prostheses in children bone cancer patients

Doctors from The Chinese University of Hong Kong have successfully implanted Asia’s first non-invasive lengthening prosthesis to restore leg length following excision of a bone tumor in a child. This new development follows CUHK’s pioneering use of a minimally invasive technique to lengthen the limb by extending the prosthesis. With the new device, children no longer need repeated surgeries to correct their shortening – the procedure can be done in the outpatient clinic and does not require anaesthesia. ...

中大工程學生嶄新科技發明於Intel Cup比賽全國奪冠

香港中文大學計算機科學與工程學系兩支由本科生組成的隊伍在70所國內與亞洲著名大學共158隊參賽隊伍中脫穎而出,奪得2006年英特爾杯全國大學生電子設計競賽嵌入式系統專題邀請賽一等獎,其中一隊更獲最高殊榮——英特爾杯(Intel Cup)。中大工程學院特別為得獎同學舉行祝捷會,工程學院院長任德盛教授恭賀同學及帶隊老師計算機科學與工程學系蒙耀生教授的傑出成就。...

CUHK launches “Curvair”, a Game Development System, for Fast Design and Production of Chinese-style Computer Games

The Department of Automation and Computer-Aided Engineering (ACAE) of The Chinese University of Hong Kong announced the completion of an advanced 3D game development system, “Curvair”. One major breakthrough introduced by Curvair is the use of "Curve-Pair Based Axial Representation” developed by Professor K.C. Hui from the ACAE department. While currently most computer games often resort to equip characters with heavy amour or tight clothes to simplify the characters’ movements, the new technique allows designers to dress characters in long gowns or robes using a model that resembles the wavy movements of the real cloth. Curvair also provides a series of characters, models of Chinese buildings, and a facial expression editor for easy construction of computer games in Chinese style. ...

Copyright 2007 by The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
All rights reserved.