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Outcomes-based eLearning at CUHK



The 'Integrated Framework for Curriculum Development and Review' (Integrated Framework) was launched in March 2004 after wide consultation. Its main objective is "to ensure that teachers and programmes engage in reflection about teaching and learning, that such reflection is rooted in evidence and leads to action for improvement, and that incentives be provided for such efforts" (Section 3.1.1).

The five integrated or aligned curriculum elements of the framework are learning outcomes, content, learning activities, assessment and feedback for evaluation. The processes of programme and course planning and review that are outlined in the Integrated Framework have been crafted to support programme teams in the process of defining appropriate learning outcomes, designing suitable teaching and learning environments, and then monitoring students' attainment of the desired outcomes.


The University also has Guidelines for Web-enhanced Student Learning Environments. These guidelines suggest two levels of use of the Web in supporting an outcomes-based approach to eLearning