0 To begin
Flowers show many features that are extremely useful in plant identification and taxonomy.

In this part, we will use lily flowers (Lilium; 百合花) to demonstrate a common routine to investigate a flower.

Before that, let’s first learn the major reproductive organs of a flower:

the outermost layer, enclosing the flower bud before it opens.
the next layer of a flower, often showy and brightly colored in order to attract pollinators.
referring to the petals and sepals which look similar and are indistinguishable in appearance.
the male part; consisting of anthers and filaments. The filament is the slender stalk that supports the anther. The anther is where the pollen grains are produced.
the female part; having an ovary at their base, which bears the egg-containing ovules. Placenta is the area, a region or a line, of the ovary wall to where the ovules are attached. The ovary is connected to the stigma by a thin stalk called the style. Stigmatic surface functions to catch the pollen grains. Carpel refers to the basic evolutionary unit of the pistil.
Remember that every flower is a unique entity! You can invent your own way to investigate the flower of interest!