Science Student Exchange Programme

Student Sharing

Esther Tsang

Exchange Year (2003-2004)
Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden

參加大學的交流計劃,很多同學也會選擇去美國,而我則選了十分陌生的瑞典,位於斯德哥爾摩的Royal Institute of Technology。



交流生的生活除了上課外,也應該多參與課外活動,而我也籍著不同的活動對瑞典和瑞典人有更深的了解。其中,我參加了Royal Institute of Technology的交響樂團,不但隨樂團到舉辦諾貝爾獎得獎人晚宴的City Hall演奏,更有幸代表樂團到芬蘭演出。在芬蘭,我跟團友特地去體驗真正的芬蘭桑拿,勇敢的跳進冰冷的波羅的海。


Many students considering going on exchange prefer going to English-speaking destinations. I, however, chose to be different and went on a one-semester exchange at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden. Sweden is proud of its technological achievements, so even though I am a science student, I selected a school focused on technology so that I could explore other fields of interests and dabble in academic fields different from my programme major. For instance, I enrolled in a music technology course. Thanks to this course, I now know that an entire orchestra can be simulated with a short computer programme and a specialized baton. On the other hand, Sweden is a country home to a significant immigrant population. One of the projects I worked on, involved a collaboration with a few classmates from the Middle-East. I realized how fortunate Hongkongers are after researching about bandwidths and network systems in several different cities. Hong Kong ranks top in research on bandwidth and prevalence of computer networking. Not only am I proud of being a Hongkonger, but I believe that we should treasure and help promote the use of technology to other places in the world. That way, more people can take advantage of the fruits of technological research and advancement.

Apart from my studies, I also participated in extra-curricular activities to gain a better understanding of Sweden and its people. One of the activities I took part in was the university orchestra, and we got to perform at the City Hall where the Nobel Prize winners’ banquet is held every year. We were even invited to make a concert tour in Finland. Prior to the concert tour, I didn’t know that having an authentic Finnish Sauna involves diving into the frigid waters of the Baltic Sea! Now I have experienced it first-hand, something that I could only dream of before going on exchange.

My experience abroad also included travelling around Europe. I visited the Arctic Circle, as well as Latvia and Estonia, along with other places. Living in Hong Kong, the Northern Lights, the ice hotel, and dog-sledding are only things you have heard about but never get to experience. The Science Student Exchange Programme has really broadened my horizons, and actually made me more aware of what it means to be a Chinese and Hongkonger. I am glad that I made the right choice, and I hope that all of you can take a great step forward by participating in the Science Student Exchange Programme to discover another side of yourself and a foreign environment.

©2011 Faculty of Science, The Chinese University of Hong Kong