Showcase 8: Strategies to improve vocabulary size of university students


This project is a showcase of good practices in incorporating eLearning in English language teaching and learning. An online self-contained platform on vocabulary was developed for university ESL teachers and students to understand word knowledge and vocabulary learning strategies for vocabulary building. The platform was commendable in terms of content and user interface design. It presents major concepts of word including structure, formation, meaning relationships and vocabulary learning strategies. Factual knowledge is provided together with examples for illustration purposes. The platform was well received, not only by the students from Faculty of Education and Faculty of Arts, but also by students from other disciplines who took the ELTU courses taught by the co-supervisors. It is open to students from other universities for self-learning as well. This project also demonstrates a good practice in project evaluation with a detailed report on the intervention study of the usefulness of the platform (

Project theme(s):

Language learning

Faculty(ies)/ Department(s):

Department of Curriculum and Instruction, Faculty of Education
English Language Teaching Unit, Faculty of Arts

Principal Supervisor(s):

Prof. Eunice Lai-Yiu TANG


Miss Edsoulla Hiu-Yui CHUNG
Mr. Eddy Kwan-Wing LI
Mr. Steven Ping-Hei YEUNG


TDG 2012-15 triennium