- Blackboard service was unavailable for the period May 8 21:50 - May 9 00:45.
- Some users then experienced "Sign-On" errors and had difficulties getting into the system.
- The issue was resolved by Blackboard at May 9 11:45.
- Since then the system has been working smoothly without interruption.
- While Blackboard has not provided ITSC a report of the root cause of the interruption and ITSC will continue liaise with Blackboard to identify the root cause, teachers and course support staff are reminded of the following in the event of Blackboard service outage during exam periods:
- Depending on the duration of the interruption, you may need to adjust/extend the due date of the Blackboard assignments/tests after the service has been resumed.
- For scheduled exams, teachers should prepare a backup plan (e.g. alternative tools, extend/alternative time, etc.) and contact the online Examination Support Group in case of interruption during exams.
- Teachers / Department Chairs should decide whether to execute a backup plan in case of interruption, and course support staff should consult course teachers / Department Chairs and respective offices on the arrangements.