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Journal of Chinese Linguistics vol.48, no.2 (2020)

中国语言学报 48 卷 2 期 (2020)

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Article 文章

Exploring the historical layers of the Tangwang language

Dan Xu 徐丹

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Time and landscape at the beginning of Chinese writing

Kuang Yu Chen 陈光宇

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On the emergence of the inverted double object construction in Hakka

Jui-chuan Yeh 叶瑞娟

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Phonation variation and strategy of tone distinction: The case of Meiba Bai

Xuan Li 李煊; Feng Wang 汪锋

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The overture of Peking pronunciation’s victory: The first published Peking orthography

Ju Song 宋桔

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The origin and development of the verbal measure word mao. (In Chinese)

Huayun Wang 汪化云; Yaling Jing 荆亚玲; Lixin Sun 孙立新

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On the differences of modifiers of Ganzhi 干支 in the Oracle bone inscriptions. (In Chinese)

Fei Deng 邓飞

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The contributions of language pathways in white matter to linguistic and cognitive processing after mild traumatic brain injury

Fan-Pei Gloria Yang 杨梵孛

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Journal of Chinese Linguistics vol.48, no.2 (June 2020)
Copyright © 2020 Journal of Chinese Linguistics. All rights reserved.

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