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Related websites about common diseases for elders

 網站 / Website  簡介 / Introduction

1. 衛生署長者健康服務網頁 - 長者健康問題


2. 醫院管理局 - 智友站


3. Interactive Health Tutorials of MEDLINEplus, USA

This website contains a session of Interactive Health Tutorials which use animated graphics to illustrate some common diseases and conditions. The users can also choose to listen to the tutorials.

4. Diseases and Conditions, Intelihealth, USA

This website contains health information provided by the Harvard Medical School. It has detail resources of diseases, methods of disease prevention & management and care-giving information.

5. WebMDHealth, USA

This website contains information concerning a variety of diseases, conditions and health topics.

6. MNA Mini Nutritional assessment

The MNA is a validated nutrition screening and assessment tool that can identify geriatric patients age 65 and above who are malnourished or at risk of malnutrition.


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