CUHK students getting prepared for study abroad


CUHK students going on exchange during this summer and the next academic year are getting ready for their journey. Many of them will arrive at a destination where the local language is foreign to them. While the courses are taught in English, getting acquainted with the local language will facilitate students to further explore the history and culture of their host country. To serve this purpose, the Office of Academic Links arranged a series of Survival Language Courses for the students, including Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, and Spanish. Incoming exchange students were invited to join the courses to talk with their CUHK peers in their native language and shared their thoughts on student life in their hometown. More than a hundred students attended these courses in April and May 2018.


In addition, CUHK students will attend various briefing sessions hosted by the Consulates General or representatives of their exchange destinations in June and July 2018, where they will obtain practical information and advice essential for their exchange.


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