
Honorary Senior Research Fellow - Zou Zhenhuan
                                                 (Fudan University)

Prof. Zou Zhenhuan is Professor of History at the Fudan University, Shanghai, PRC. He received his BA, MA and PhD from the Fudan University and has taught in the alma mater since 1985. He is a specialist in publishing history of China since the late Qing, in particular translation publishing. He is a prolific scholar and has so far single-authored 7 books and over 70 articles. Prof. Zou was among the first batch of honorary research fellows appointed at RCT in 2009. He has contributed immensely at the Young Researchers' Conference on Chinese Translation Studies and the Summer School on Chinese Translation History organized by RCT for the nurturing of young researchers. He is also heading a research project entitled "Translation of Textbooks in the Modernization of East Asian Countries", a sub-project under "Translation and Modernization in East Asia in the 19th and early 20th Century", funded by the Focused Investment Scheme of The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Major Publications:

Authored books:
1. Western Missionaries and the Import of Western Histories into the Late Qing (Xifang chuanjiaoshi yu wanqing xishi dongjian) (Shanghai: Shanghai Guji Publishing House, 2007).
2. Cultural Transformation and Translation Publishing in Shanghai in the Twentieth Century (20 shiji Shanghai fanyi chuban yu wenhua bianqian) (Nanning: Guangxi Jiaoyu chuban she, 2000).
3. A Brief Look into Translation History (Yi lin jiu zong) (Jiangxi: Jiangxi jiaoyu chuban she, 2000).
4. (Revised) Chaoxian xi xue shi yan jiu (《朝鮮西學史研究》) (Beijing: China Social Science Publisher, 2001).
5. Western Geography in Late Qing China (Wan Qing xi fang di li xue zai Zhongguo) (Shanghai: Shanghai Guji Publishing House, 2000).
6. A Brief History of the Translation Publishing in Jiangsu (Jiangsu Fanyi chuban shilue) (Nanjing: Jiangsu People Publishing, 1998).
7. The Hundred Translations that Impacted Early Modern China (Yingxiang Zhongguo jindai shehui de yibaizhong yizuo) (Beijing: China Translation & Publishing, 1996).
8. The Wisdom of Mencius (Mengzi zhihui) (Hong Kong: Hong Kong Educational Publishing, 1996).

Translated book:
1. (Co-trans) The Life and Times of Zhang Yuanji, 1867-1959: from Qing Reformer to Twentieth-century Publisher (Cong hanlin dao chubanjia: Zhang Yuanji de shengping yu shidai) (Hong Kong: Hong Kong Commercial Press, 1996).

10 Representative Articles:
1. 〈土山灣印書館與上海印刷出版文化的發展〉,收香港城市大學中國文化中心、出版博物館編:《出版文化的新世界:香港與上海》(上海:上海人民出版社,2011),頁3-26。
2. 〈《西學凡》與《童幼教育•西學》:西方學科知識的傳入〉,收桑兵、趙立彬主編:《轉型中的近代中國:近代中國的知識與制度轉型學術研討會論文選》,上冊(北京:社會科學文獻出版社,2010),頁241-262。
3. 〈馬禮遜與早期英語教育——以《英國文語凡例傳》為中心〉,收李金強、吳梓明、邢福增主編:《自西徂東——基督教來華二百年論集》(香港:香港基督教文藝出版社,2009),頁85-100。
4. 〈上海“小說林社”及其翻譯群體〉,收單周堯主編:《明清學術研究》,(北京:中國社會科學出版社,2009),頁516-542。
5. 〈清末民初上海群益書社與《納氏文法》的譯刊及其影響〉,收復旦大學歷史系、復旦大學中外現代化進程研究中心編:《近代中國研究集刊(3)中國現代學科的形成》(上海:上海古籍出版社,2007),頁91-123。
6. 〈同文館外語教科書的編纂與外語教育的成效〉,收王宏志、梁元生、羅炳良編:《中國文化的傳承與開拓》(香港:香港中文大學出版社,2009),頁252-282。
7. 〈《幾何原本》的續譯與江南知識界的學術互動〉,收鄒振環、黃敬斌執行主編:《復旦史學集刊:江南與中外交流》第三輯(上海:復旦大學出版社,2009),頁160-175。
8. 〈東文學社及其譯刊的《支那通史》與《東洋史要》〉,收張伯偉編:《域外漢籍研究集刊》第三輯(北京:中華書局,2007年5月),頁347-369。
9. 〈“革命表木”與晚清英雄系譜的重建——華盛頓和拿破崙傳記文獻的譯刊及其影響〉,《歷史文獻》第9輯(2005年11月),頁393-423。
10. 〈利瑪竇世界地圖的刊刻與明清士人的“世界意識”〉,《近代中國研究集刊 • 近代中國的國家形象與國家認同》第1輯(上海:上海古籍出版社,2003年),頁23-72。

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