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Journal of Chinese Linguistics vol.43, no.1A (2015)

中国语言学报 43 卷 1A期 (2015)

Article 文章

The condition and change of 共 vis-À-vis 合 in Southern Min with a sidelight on intra-dialectal variation

Chinfa Lien 连金发

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The tone pattern in dialect contact (in Chinese)

Xianming Bei 贝先明

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Predicting NP forms in vernacular written Cantonese

Rebecca L. Starr 李星星

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Breathy voice and low tone (in Chinese)

Zhongmin Chen 陈忠敏

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The historical relationship between Northern Wu and Min dialects from the perspective of comparative phonology

Wei Zheng 郑伟

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Strengthening of fricatives in language acquisition and lexical borrowing: The case of Sino-Vietnamese

Youngjun Jang 张荣俊

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Ontology-based event relation prediction: A SUMO based study of Mandarin VV compounds
知识本体驱动的中文复合词关系预测: SUMO为本的研究

Jia-Fei Hong 洪嘉馡; Chu-Ren Huang 黄居仁

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Some problems of Xiandai Hanyu Cidian (The contemporary Chinese dictionary) 6th ed.: With a call for a corpus-based Chinese lexicography
《现代汉语词典》第六版之遗珠: 兼论基于语料库的汉语词典编纂的必要性

Zequan Liu 刘泽权; Dandan Zhang 张丹丹

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Discussion 讨论

On the cluster *sr– in Sino-Tibetan
关于汉藏语言中的 *sr- 群

Guillaume Jacques 向柏霖

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The discovery of Liangdao man and its implications for the pre-Austronesian homeland

Paul Jenkuei Li 李壬癸

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Review 书评

Review of A Dialogue On Sound Change between William Labov and William S-Y. Wang. Edited by Shengli Feng and Virginia Yip
书评:《拉波夫与王士元对话: 语音变化的前沿问题》 冯胜利及叶彩燕编辑

Mieko Ogura 小仓美惠子

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Report 报告

Why do languages change? -- A report of The International Workshop on Language and Human Complexity
语言为什么变? -- “语言与人类复杂系统"国际研讨会述评

Feng Wang 汪锋

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Report of The 6th International Conference in Evolutionary Linguistics

Tianjun Gao 高天俊; Juan Jiang 蒋娟

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Special Issue 专辑

The Physiological Aspects of Phonetics (in Journal of Chinese Linguistics Vol.43, No. 1B)
生理语音学研究 (英文专辑,JCL 43卷 1B 期)

edited by Jiangping Kong 孔江平

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