Issue no. 1 第一期 (30 March 2012)   |  RCT Home 翻譯研究中心網站主頁 |  Past Issues 通訊

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Main Feature 專題報導 » 40th Anniversary of the RCT / 翻譯研究中心成立四十周年
Special Features 特別報導 » Report of Sinologists as Translators in the 17–19th Century Conference (27–28 October 2011)
» RCT new logo / 翻譯研究中心新標誌
»Visiting Scholar: Prof. Zou Zhenhuan / 來訪學人:鄒振環教授
» Appointment of Honorary Research Fellow: Prof. Li Sher-shiueh
» Renditions out-of-print online / 《譯叢》選刊在線
Upcoming Events 最新活動 » Call for papers: Translation and Modernization in East Asia in the 19th and Early 20th Century Conference
» The Fifth Young Researchers’ Conference: 1st round screening
New Publications 最新出版 » Renditions No. 76 Yang Jiang Special Issue
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  Upcoming Events 最新活動:
Call for Papers: Translation and Modernization in East Asia in the 19th and Early 20th Century Conference
This conference plans to study the role played by translation in the modernization of East Asian countries in the 19th and early 20th century, a project at the Research Centre for Translation (RCT), The Chinese University of Hong Kong, supported by the University's Focused Investment Scheme and the RCT Research Programme Fund.

In the 19th and early 20th century, East Asia underwent a process of modernization to cope with the serious challenges brought by the Western powers. While different countries and places might have taken different courses, the process of modernization was characterized by elements ranging from military, political, economic, technological and medical reforms to changes in the legal, administrative, diplomatic as well as education, literary and media systems. There was a long-term socio-political and cultural impact that shaped the “modern” East Asia of the 20th–21st century.

While modernization was in no way simply equivalent to westernization, many in the 19th and early 20th century did see the West as the model for modernization. Modernization in East Asia was thus more often than not taken as a process of learning from or even imitating the West. In this process, translation played a crucial role, when efforts were made to import Western ideas, knowledge, concepts and practices. Although numerous studies have been made of the modernization of East Asia, the lack of study of the role of translation in this process has been a major weakness in our understanding of the topic.

The present conference calls for submission of panel abstracts as well as abstracts for individual papers on the following or related topics on translation and modernization in East Asia:

Translation and the introduction of the concept of “modern” in East Asia
The role of translation in various aspects of modernization in East Asia
Western works translated into East Asia for modernization and their impact
Translators, patrons and other key players and institutions in translation and modernization of East Asia
The adoption and appropriation of western thinking and knowledge through translation in the modernization in East Asia
Contributions from other places and countries to the modernization of East Asia through translation

Important dates:
Abstracts submission deadline: 30 Sept 2012
Notification of Acceptance: 1 Nov 2012
Registration deadline: 28 Feb 2013
Conference date: 29–31 May 2013

Length of Paper:

30 minutes for one paper, inclusive of a 20-mintue presentation and a 10-minute discussion. Scholars are also welcome to form panels and present their papers at the conference. Each panel will be given 90 minutes, and limited to 3 papers per panel.

Languages of Presentation:
Chinese (Putonghua) and English.

Application Procedures: 
1) For individual scholars, please email the complete application form and an abstract of no more than 250 words to RCT on or before 30 September 2012. 2) For panels, please form a panel of 3 people and elect a chairperson. Then complete and email an application form, a panel abstract of no more than 250 words and individual abstracts of no more than 250 words each to RCT on or before 30 September 2012.

No registration fee will be charged. Participants are expected to cover their own transport, food and accommodation costs. Accommodation subsidies may be offered to participating scholars, based on the conference budget and individual needs.

Official Website:
For application forms and information on transport, accommodation, etc., please go to

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翻譯與 “現代化” 概念在東亞的推行

摘要提交截止日期: 2012年9月30日
研討會論文接受通告: 2012年11月1日
登記截止日期: 2013年2月28日
研討會日期: 2013年5月29–31日








Research Centre for Translation • Institute of Chinese Studies • The Chinese University of Hong Kong
香港中文大學 • 中國文化研究所 • 翻譯研究中心 • Tel: (852) 3943 7399 • Fax: (852) 2603 5110