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APR 2015
Explore the Start-up Nation —
Techcracker Lab Tel Aviv, Israel
oes Israel sound special to you? What is the word that comes to your mind at the first place when you
think of Israel? Mysterious? Unstable? War? That might not be the whole picture! Let us tell you more!
Ten CUHK students have recently participated in the Techcracker Lab at Tel Aviv, Israel which was
jointly organized by Li Ka Shing Foundation and the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology. It was a 6-day
programme aims to empower and enrich students and the greater community through technological, cultural and
social exchange between schools, students and startup communities. Before the departure, all participants were
invited to a talk by Professor Dan Shechtman, a Nobel Laureate from the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology,
discussing the importance of technological entrepreneur for the well-being of societies, countries and the world.
During the trip, students were given the opportunities to explore Israel through experiencing military training
and visiting historical sites, to taste the entrepreneurial culture and journey through the birth and growth of a
start-up through interacting with insightful entrepreneurs. Students were greatly inspired through the trip!
A talk by Professor Dan Shechtman, Nobel Laureate from the Technion-
Israel Institute of Technology (Photo: Li Ka Shing Foundation)
Ten CUHK students, led by Mr. Raymond Leung, Director of Student Affairs
visited Ginger, a start-up in Israel that produces proofread software
Jeffrey Chan (BBA & JD / Year 3)
When we talked about start-ups, many would immediately
associate them with the Silicon Valley in the States.
However, have you ever noticed that there is a tiny country
with only seven million population is ranked second in
the world in term of number of start-ups. Nevertheless, it
has the largest number of overseas companies listed on
NASDAQ. Yes, that is the start-up nation — Israel.
Israel was established after the World War II. With little
natural resources and enemies surrounding by, this start-
up nation requires innovation to sustain both militarily and
economically. With this background, entrepreneurship is
nurtured and promoted so as to generate more creative
solutions to tackle the challenges.
‘Listen, this is an order,’ when talking about the army, you
may possibly think of obedience and orders. In Israel,
national service is mandatory and most citizens have
served for at least 2 years in different military units. Instead
of one-way teaching, soldier are welcome to challenge
Military Trainning at Caliber 3
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