Message from the Vice-Chancellor

Professor Joseph J.Y. SUNG


Vice-Chancellor / President

Mok Hing Yiu Professor of Medicine

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

I would like to invite you all to the 2016 Teaching and Learning Innovation Expo, which will be held at the CUHK on 16th December.  This is where the CUHK faculty and staff showcase their recent advances in teaching and learning that have been trialed and/or implemented over the year.


All the teachers at the CUHK have a common goal and that is to maintain their teaching excellence. Indeed, from the start, we have effectively implemented many different strategies, some quite innovative in nature, to enhance the teaching and learning environment. Many of these strategies have echoed important educational concepts and beliefs, such as outcome-based, active and authentic learning methods. Our courses are therefore designed and conducted in such a way that students can gain the essential learning outcomes by engaging in learning processes that require critical thinking and the accomplishment of authentic tasks.


Recent advances in technology have certainly initiated new possibilities for the enhancement of teaching and learning strategies. The fact that for many subjects, basic knowledge can be self-learnt by the students through the provision of quality multi-media learning packages, has given us a chance to rethink whether class time could be spent more wisely. For example, teachers might use this time to focus on more challenging concepts or conduct activities that engage students in discussions, interactive activities and the application of knowledge on tasks of variable complexity.


We know that to take full advantage of any new pedagogical activities and technological breakthroughs that occur, new skills are required. Thus, practitioners can benefit from learning from each other’s experiences and wisdom. The Expo this year will certainly serve as a platform for such a mode for sharing. See you all on the day.







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