Colleges and I‧CARE for Whole-person Development

Colleges and I‧CARE for Whole-person Development

Many students have benefited through the service programmes of the I‧CARE Programme, going beyond the campus and the territory to serve, to gain experience, and to be inspired.

It is CUHK's goal that, along with its formal curriculum, non-formal learning should contribute to the overall quality and competitiveness of our students and graduates.

As the only university in Hong Kong with a collegiate system, the nine Colleges offer pastoral care and non-formal co-curricular programmes to support the broader whole-person development of undergraduate students. The establishment of the university-wide I‧CARE Programme in 2011 encouraged long-lasting and reflexive participation in local and global communities and helped strengthen the five key areas of personal growth under the over-arching I‧CARE framework:

I – Integrity and moral development

C – Creativity and intellectual development

A – Appreciation of life and aesthetic development

R – Relationship and social development

E – Energy and wellness

Through various activities spearheaded by the University, the Colleges and the I‧CARE Programme, the University aims to broaden students' learning experience on and beyond the campus, deepen students' understanding of local and global issues through social engagement and civic participation, as well as promote students' wellness and whole-person development. The introduction of the I‧CARE Centre for Whole-person Development in 2016 will further strengthen the University's commitment towards preparing and empowering our students for tomorrow's challenges. Over the years, many students have benefited through the service programmes of the I‧CARE Programme, going beyond the campus and the territory to serve, to gain experience, and to be inspired.

The Colleges have throughout CUHK's history played a major role in students' whole-person development, and their efforts are now complemented by the I‧CARE Programme under a well-defined framework.