Zhou Jiangling
PhD graduate

去年八月,我第一次踏進美麗的中大校園,開啟語言學博士生的研讀之旅。記得見面會那天,系裡要求大家閱讀美國物理學家理查·費曼(Richard Feynman) 一九七四年在加州理工學院畢業典禮的演說詞Cargo Cult Science。其用意很明確,就是強調“科學誠實”(scientific integrity)必須是我們做學問的準則。我以為這是語言學系給我的“見面禮”,而治學嚴謹也就成為了語言學系留給我的第一印象。

在語言學系不到一年的時間裡,我參加了系裡組織的各種學術講座和研討會,也因此領略到語言研究另有一番新天地,比如雙語兒童語言發展研究、語言障礙、手語研究、演化語言學等等。隨著視野的逐步拓寬,我愈發覺得人類擁有語言是多麼了不起的大事,而語言研究則是既有理論高度又極具現實意義的學問。每當想起這一點,我的心情都為之振奮。當然,語言學一點都不簡單,要修得正果可謂是“路漫漫其修遠兮”。雖然經過近一年的學習,我對之前很少涉獵的領域已不再感到那樣的陌生,但是什麼東西都只懂皮毛是非常危險的事。所謂學無止境,尤其是在學術討論中看到教授和同學的妙語連珠,我懂得何謂“學愈博,思愈深”,更深知自己的不足。學習的壓力自然不必多說,但正是在這樣的刺激下,我更篤信“It’s humanly possible to know that much”!

在中大語言學系,學習機會無處不在,擔任教學助理也是其中之一。在這兩個學期,我分別是Invitation to Linguistics和Topics in Chinese Language Acquisition這兩門課程的教學助理。每一節課,不僅是我的工作時間,也是我的學習時間(這可是許多在職工作者羡慕不已的!)。前一門課程讓略懂語言學的我溫故知新,後一門課程則讓之前研究英語二語習得的我變換視角,耳目一新。更重要的是,如《禮記·學記》所說,“學然後知不足,教然後知困”,每次回答學生的問題,都是一次自我審視與反思的過程。看到學生在進步,自己也在進步,感覺妙不可言。至於擔任教學助理能夠培養各種可遷移能力(?)就不在話下了。

必須提一下的是我們的兒童雙語研究中心。雖然我在中心的日子說長不長,但真心體會到每一次lab meeting都是中心成員表現和鍛鍊的機會,是頭腦風暴和收穫建議的時刻,是排解困惑和重拾信心的聚會。這裡有學識淵博、充滿魄力的葉彩燕教授和Stephen Matthews教授,還有優秀的研究生、研究助理和博士後。大家所做的研究項目繽紛多彩,有研究雙語兒童在verb-particle construction、right-dislocation、或論元結構方面的習得,也有研究繼承語(heritage language)習得的研究。看著小夥伴們正往語言學研究的畫布上塗畫個性的一筆,我也期待著能在雙語研究的畫板上塗抹一道屬於自己的彩色。


I joined the Department of Linguistics and Modern Languages last August as a PhD student and a member of the Childhood Bilingualism Research Center. The exposure I have in CUHK opens my eyes to see how the study of language can reveal the nature of the human mind and it also paves the way for me to become a well-trained researcher of linguistics in general, and bilingualism in particular. It is impossible to list what I have learned in these months but one thing that immediately comes to my mind is that I have come to appreciate bilingualism much more than I did. Just imagine how a bilingual would feel when learning that bilingualism not only facilitates communication, but also makes one smarter, and delays the onset of dementia! Like my fellow students, I am happy to learn about these research findings, as a multilingual who speaks native Cantonese and native-like Mandarin, as well as fluent English and intermediate French. I am equally happy that bilingualism is attracting more attention with evidence of its cognitive benefits. Just as it is cool to be a bilingual, it is also cool to research how our mind comes to achieve bilingualism, and benefit from it. Hopefully, I can contribute to the field of bilingualism with what I will learn in CUHK in the years to come.