In Alphabetical Order
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M
N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
By Subject
Academic Units
- Academic and Quality Section
- Academic Links, Office of
- Accountancy, The School of
- Accounting Operations and Systems Unit
- Admissions and Financial Aid, Office of
- Advanced Photonics Research of The Chinese University of Hong Kong and Zhejiang University, Joint Centre for
- Advanced Research in Photonics, Centre for
- Alumni Affairs Office
- Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, Department of
- Analytic and Clinical Cooperative Laboratory for Integrative Medicine
- Anatomical and Cellular Pathology, Department of
- Anthropology, Department of
- Archaeology and Cultural Heritage Studies, Centre for
- Architectural Studies
- Architecture Library
- Architecture, School of
- Archive for Phenomenology and Contemporary Philosophy
- Art Museum
- Arts, Faculty of
- Asian Business Studies
- Asian Institute of Supply Chains & Logistics
- Asia-Pacific Genomic and Genetic Nursing Centre
- Asia-Pacific Studies, Hong Kong Institute of
- Assessment and Training Centre
- Assisted Reproductive Technology Unit
- Associate Vice-Presidents' Office—Prof. Daniel H.S. Lee
- Associate Vice-Presidents' Office—Prof. Chan Sun-on, Hector
- Associate Vice-Presidents' Office—Prof. Wong Patrick Chun Man
- Audio Visual Services Unit
- Audio-Visual Division
- Baldwin Cheng Research Centre for General Education
- Biochemistry Programme
- Biology Programme
- Biomedical Engineering Programme
- Biomedical Engineering, Department of
- Biomedical Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong and Zhejiang University, Joint Research Centre for
- Biomedical Sciences, School of
- Biotechnology (CUIB), Institute of
- Bone Quality and Health Centre
- Brain and Mind Institute
- Business Administration, Faculty of
- Business Unit
- Campus Development Office
- Cancer Drug Testing Unit (CDTU)
- Cancer Epigenetics / Tumour Virology Laboratory
- Cancer Signaling Laboratory
- Cantonese, Research Centre for
- Cardiovascular Genomics and Medicine, Centre for
- Career Planning and Development Centre
- CAS-CUHK Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Integration Technology
- Catholic Studies, Centre for
- Cell and Developmental Biology, Centre for
- Cell and Molecular Biology Programme
- Central Laboratory in Department of Physics
- CHANT (Chinese Ancient Texts) Database
- Chemical Pathology, Department of
- Chemistry, Department of
- Chen Wai Wai Vivien Foundation Therapeutic Physical Mental Exercise Centre
- Childhood Bilingualism Research Centre
- China Academy of Space Technology—The Chinese University of Hong Kong Joint Research Laboratory of Space Microwave Technology and Smart Manufacturing
- China Engagement Office
- China Studies, Centre for (CCS)
- Chinese Family Studies, Centre for
- Chinese History, Centre for
- Chinese Language and Linguistics, Research Centre for
- Chinese Language and Literature, Department of
- Chinese Language Education
- Chinese Language Teaching Development Centre
- Chinese Media and Comparative Communication Research, Center for
- Chinese Medicine, Institute of
- Chinese Medicine, School of
- Chinese Music Studies, Centre for
- Chinese Philosophy and Culture, Research Centre for
- Chinese Students and Scholars Association, CUHK
- Chinese Studies
- Chinese Studies (ICS), Institute of
- Chow Yuk Ho Technology Centre for Innovative Medicine
- Christian Studies, Centre for
- Chung Chi College
- Chung Chi College Elisabeth Luce Moore Library
- Chung Chi College Staff Club
- Chung Chi College Student Union
- Classical Chinese Poetics, Research Centre for
- CLEAR (Centre for Learning Enhancement And Research)
- Clinical and Health Psychology Centre
- Clinical Oncology, Department of
- Clinical Research and Biostatistics, Centre for
- Cochrane Hong Kong
- Cognition and Brain Studies, Centre for
- Collaborating Centre for Oxford University and CUHK for Disaster and Medical Humanitarian Response (CCOUC)
- Collaborative Gastrointestinal Research Center (The Samurai GI Research Centre)
- Communication and Public Opinion Survey, Centre for
- Communications and Public Relations Office
- Community Health Practice
- Comparative and Public History, Centre for
- Comparative and Transnational Law, Center for
- Comparative Japanese Studies, Research Centre for
- Computer Science and Engineering, Department of
- Contemporary China Studies
- Contemporary Chinese Culture (RCCCC), Research Centre for
- Contemporary Christian Studies, Resource Centre for
- Continuing and Professional Studies, School of
- Co-operative Education Programme, Office of
- CU Link Card Centre
- CU Tree Project
- CUHK Business School Alumni and Corporate Affairs Office
- CUHK Carol and Richard Yu Peritoneal Dialysis Research Centre
- CUHK Centre for Bioethics
- CUHK Channel
- CUHK History Gallery
- CUHK Hong Kong—Shenzhen Innovation and Technology Research Institute (Futian)
- CUHK Jockey Club Institute of Ageing
- CUHK Medical Centre (CUHKMC)
- CUHK MoE-Microsoft Key Laboratory of Human-Centric Computing and Interface Technologies
- CUHK on iTunes U
- CUHK Otto Wong Brain Tumour Centre
- CUHK T Stone Robotics Institute
- CUHK Thomas Jing Centre for Mindfulness Research and Training
- CUHK WiFi Hotspot Partnership Programme
- CUHK-ACC Joint Research Center for Health Maintenance of Musculoskeletal System on Space Medicine
- CUHK-BLCU Joint Research Centre for Chinese Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
- CUHK-Guangdong Medical Laboratory Animal Centre Guangdong-Hong Kong Joint Laboratory on Protein Research and Development
- CUHK-Nankai Joint Research Centre of Social Policy
- CUHK-NCKU Joint Research Centre for Positive Social Science
- CUHK–PKU Joint Research Centre for Language and Human Complexity
- CUHK-SJTU Joint Research Centre in Diabetes Genomics and Precision Medicine
- CUHK-Zhejiang University Joint Laboratory on Natural Products and Toxicology Research
- CUHK-Zhejiang University Joint Research Centre of Liver and Digestive Diseases
- Cultural and Religious Studies, Department of
- Cultural Management Programme
- Cultural Studies Programme
- Cultural Studies, Centre for
- Curriculum and Instruction, Department of
- CV Health and Cardiovascular Info Site
- CW Chu College
- CW Chu College Student Union
- Cyber Logistics, Centre of
- D.C. Lau Research Centre for Chinese Ancient Texts
- Daoist Digital Museum
- Decisions, Operations and Technology, Department of
- Dementia Research Unit
- Development of Educational Leadership (HKCDEL), Hong Kong Centre for the
- Developmental Psychology, Centre for
- Diabetes and Endocrine Centre
- Diabetes and Obesity, Hong Kong Institute of
- Digestive Disease, Institute of
- Diversity and Inclusion Office
- Divinity School of Chung Chi College
- Donations and Projects Management Unit
- Earth and Environmental Sciences, Department of
- École Française d'Extrême-Orient (EFEO)
- Economic Research Centre
- Economics, Department of
- EdDataX Research Centre
- Education, Faculty of
- Educational Administration and Policy, Department of
- Educational Psychology, Department of
- Educational Research (HKIER), Hong Kong Institute of
- Edwin Cheng Foundation Asian Centre for Phenomenology
- eLearning@CUHK
- Electronic Engineering, Department of
- Electronic Services Unit
- Employees' Credit Union, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
- Employees General Union, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
- Energy and Environmental Engineering
- Engineering, Faculty of
- English Language Teaching Unit
- English Studies / English Language Education
- English, Department of
- Enrichment Mathematics
- Enrichment Stream in Theoretical Physics
- Entrepreneurship and Innovation Education, Office of
- Environment, Energy and Sustainability, Institute of
- Environmental Chemistry and Nano-Materials Laboratory
- Environmental Policy and Resource Management, Centre for
- Environmental Science Programme
- Estates Management Office
- Executive MBA Programmes (EMBA)
- Exercise Science and Health Education
- Finance for Society Research Centre
- Finance Office
- Finance, Department of
- Financial Engineering, Centre for
- Financial Planning Unit
- FindIt@CUHK
- Fine Arts, Department of
- Food and Nutritional Sciences Programme
- Food Research Centre
- Fundamental Physics, Joint Centre for
- GE Salon
- Gender Research Centre
- Gender Studies Programme
- Geography and Resource Management, Department of
- Gerald Choa Neuroscience Institute
- Gerontology
- Global Business Studies
- Global China Research Programme
- Global Economics and Finance
- Global Health, Centre for
- Global Studies
- Governance and Policy Science, School of
- Graduate School
- Graduate School Office
- Great Bay University—The Chinese University of Hong Kong Joint Institute of Advanced Materials and Green Energy Research (JIAMGER)
- Greater Bay Area Developments, Office for
- Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Joint Laboratory of Human-Machine Intelligence-Synergy Systems
- Gut Microbiota Research, Centre for
- Health Behaviours Research, Centre for
- Health Education and Health Promotion, Centre for
- Health Equity, CUHK Institute of
- Health Promotion and Protection
- Health Systems and Policy Research, Centre for
- Heart and Vascular Institute
- Henry Cheng International Conference Centre
- High Density Electronic Packaging Materials and Devices, Joint Laboratory for
- History, Department of
- Hong Kong Branch of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) Center for Excellence in Animal Evolution and Genetics
- Hong Kong Cancer Institute
- Hong Kong Eating Disorders Centre
- Hong Kong Hub of Paediatric Excellence
- Hong Kong Internet eXchange (HKIX)
- Hong Kong Literature Research Centre
- Hong Kong Mood Disorders Centre
- Hong Kong—Shenzhen Finance Research Centre
- Hotel and Tourism Management, School of
- Human Communicative Research, Institute of
- Human Resources Office
- Human Values, Research Centre for
- Humanities Computing, Research Centre for
- Humanities, Research Institute for the
- I‧CARE Programme
- I-House
- Imaging and Interventional Radiology, Department of
- Independent Learning Centre
- Information Engineering, Department of
- Information Technology Services Centre
- Innovation and Enterprise, Office of
- Innovation and Technology, Centre for
- Institute of Medical Intelligence and XR
- Institutional Advancement, Office of
- Insurance, Financial and Actuarial Analysis
- Integrated BBA
- Integrative Medicine, Hong Kong Institute of
- Intelligent Design and Manufacturing, Institute of
- Internal Audit Office
- International Affairs Research Centre
- International Asian Studies Programme
- International Business and Chinese Enterprise
- Investment and Treasury Unit
- Japanese Studies, Department of
- Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care, The
- Joint Laboratory for Biomaterials SIAT—HKU—CUHK
- Joint Shantou International Eye Center of The Shantou University and The Chinese University of Hong Kong
- Journal of Chinese Studies
- Journalism and Communication, School of
- KEEP (Knowledge & Education Exchange Platform)
- KIZ-CUHK Joint Laboratory of Bio-resources and Molecular Research of Common Diseases
- Kwok Tak Seng Centre for Stroke Research and Intervention
- Laboratory for Language, Learning and the Brain
- Lam Kin Chung‧Jet King-Shing Ho Glaucoma Treatment and Research Centre
- Language Acquisition Laboratory
- Language Education and Multiliteracies Research (CLEMR), Centre for
- Lau Chor Tak Institute of Global Economics and Finance
- Lau Tat-chuen Research Centre of Brain Degenerative Diseases in Chinese
- Law, Faculty of
- Learning and Cultural Enhancement Section
- Learning Sciences and Technologies (CLST), Centre for
- Lee Quo Wei Law Library
- Lee Woo Sing College
- Lee Woo Sing College Student Union
- Legal Innovation and Digital Society, Centre for
- Leung Po Chuen Research Centre for Hong Kong History and Humanities
- Li Chiu Kong Family Sleep Assessment Unit
- Li Dak Sum Yip Yio Chin R&D Centre for Chinese Medicine
- Li Ka Shing Institute of Health Sciences
- Li Ping Medical Library
- Liberal Studies
- Life Sciences, School of
- Lim Por-yen Eye Genetics Research Centre
- Linguistics and Modern Languages, Department of
- Logistics Technologies and Supply Chain Optimization, Centre for
- Lui Che Woo Institute of Innovative Medicine
- Mainland Undergraduate Association
- Management, Department of
- Margaret K.L. Cheung Research Centre for Management of Parkinsonism
- Marketing, Department of
- Materials Science and Technology Research Centre
- Mathematical Artificial Intelligence, Center for
- Mathematical Sciences, The Institute of
- Mathematics and Information Engineering
- Mathematics and Mathematics Education
- Mathematics, Department of
- MBA Programmes
- Mechanical and Automation Engineering, Department of
- Mechanical Services Unit
- Medical Data Analytics Centre
- Medical Image Computing (RC-MIC), Research Centre for
- Medicine
- Medicine and Therapeutics, Department of
- Medicine, Faculty of
- Microbial Genomics and Proteomics, Centre for
- Microbiology, Department of
- Mind Easy
- Mobile Technologies Centre
- MoE Key Laboratory of High Confidence Software Technologies (CUHK Sub-lab)
- MoE Key Laboratory of Regenerative Medicine (The Chinese University of Hong Kong-Jinan University)
- Molecular Biotechnology Programme
- Morningside College
- Morningside College Student Union
- Multidiscipline Laboratories (MDL)
- Multimedia Technology, Joint Laboratory on
- Musculoskeletal Degeneration and Regeneration, Centre of
- Musculoskeletal Research Laboratory
- Music, Department of
- Natural Sciences
- Nethersole School of Nursing, The
- Network Coding, Institute of
- Neuropsychological Well-Being, Research Centre for
- New Asia College
- New Asia College Ch'ien Mu Library
- New Asia College Staff Association
- New Asia College Student Union
- Newsletter of Chinese Language
- Novel Biomaterials, Centre for
- Nursing
- Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Department of
- Occupational and Environmental Health Studies, Centre for
- Office of the Director of Finance
- Online Contact Directory
- Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, Department of
- Optical Science and Technology, Institute of
- Optical Sciences, Centre of
- Organic Chemistry Laboratory
- Organometallic & Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory
- Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Department of
- Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, Department of
- Paediatrics, Department of
- Pao So Kok Macular Disease Treatment and Research Centre
- Payroll and Superannuation Unit
- Peter Hung Pain Research Institute
- Pharmacy, School of
- Philosophy, Department of
- Photovoltaic and Solar Energy, Joint Laboratory for
- Physical Education and Sports Science
- Physical Education Unit
- Physical Education, Exercise Science and Health
- Physics, Department of
- Plant Molecular Biology and Agricultural Biotechnology, Institute of
- Policy Against Sexual Harassment
- Polymer and Colloid Laboratory
- Population Research, Centre for
- Postgraduate Halls
- Postgraduate Student Association of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, The
- Precision Engineering, Joint Laboratory for
- Professional Accountancy
- Promoting Science Education, Centre for (CPSE)
- Protein Science and Crystallography, Centre for
- Pro-Vice-Chancellors / Vice-Presidents' Offices—Prof. Alan K.L. Chan, Provost
- Pro-Vice-Chancellors / Vice-Presidents' Offices—Prof. Poon Wai-yin
- Pro-Vice-Chancellors / Vice-Presidents' Offices—Prof. Chan Wai-yee
- Pro-Vice-Chancellors / Vice-Presidents' Offices—Prof. Sham Mai-har
- Pro-Vice-Chancellors / Vice-Presidents' Offices—Prof. Anthony T.C. Chan
- Pro-Vice-Chancellors / Vice-Presidents' Offices—Prof. Nick Rawlins
- Pro-Vice-Chancellors / Vice-Presidents' Offices—Mr. Kenneth Chen Wei-on
- Psychiatry, Department of
- Psychology, Department of
- Public Policy Research Centre
- Quality-Life Education, Centre for
- Quantitative Finance
- Quantitative Finance and Risk Management Science
- Quantum Coherence, Centre for
- Quantum Information Science and Technology, Hong Kong Institute of
- Registrar's Office
- Registration and Examinations Section
- Registry
- Religious Studies Programme
- Renditions
- Research and Development of Putonghua Education (CRDPE), Centre for
- Research and Knowledge Transfer Services, Office of
- Research into Circulating Fetal Nucleic Acids, Centre for
- Research Supervision@CUHK
- RGC-AoE Center for Genomic Studies on Plant-Environment Interaction for Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security
- RGC-AoE Centre for Organelle Biogenesis and Function
- Risk Management Science
- Robotics in Construction and Architecture, Centre for
- S.H. Ho Centre for Digestive Health
- S.H. Ho College
- S.H. Ho College Student Union
- S.H. Ho Research Centre for Infectious Diseases
- S.H. Ho Scoliosis Research Laboratory
- S.H. Ho Sleep Apnoea Management Center
- S.H. Ho Urology Centre
- Safety, Committee on
- Scholarships and Financial Aid
- Science Academy for Young Talent
- Science, Faculty of
- Scientific Modelling and Computation, Centre for
- Security and Transport Office
- Security Office
- Self-financed Programmes Management Unit
- Shanghai-Hong Kong Development Institute
- Shanghai-Hong Kong Joint Laboratory in Chemical Synthesis
- Shaw College
- Shaw College Staff Association
- Shaw College Student Union
- Shenzhen Center of Novel Functional Molecules, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
- Shenzhen Research Institute
- Shiu-Ying Hu Herbarium
- SHKP Kwok Brain Health Research Centre
- Shun Hing Institute of Advanced Engineering (SHIAE)
- Si Yuan Amenities Centre
- Sign Linguistics and Deaf Studies, Centre for
- Simon F.S. Li Marine Science Laboratory
- Social and Political Development Studies, Centre for
- Social Innovation Studies, Centre for
- Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development Office
- Social Science, Faculty of
- Social Welfare Practice and Research Centre
- Social Work, Department of
- Sociology, Department of
- Space and Earth Information Science, Institute of
- Sports Medicine and Sports Science, Hong Kong Centre of
- Sports Science and Physical Education, Department of
- Staff Association, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
- Stanley Ho Big Data Decision Analytics Research Centre
- Stanley Ho Centre for Emerging Infectious Diseases
- State Key Laboratory of Agrobiotechnology (CUHK)
- State Key Laboratory of Cancer Biology (CUHK Joint Research Base in Shenzhen)
- State Key Laboratory of Digestive Disease (CUHK)
- State Key Laboratory of Research on Bioactivities and Clinical Applications of Medicinal Plants (CUHK)
- State Key Laboratory of Synthetic Chemistry
- State Key Laboratory of Translational Oncology (CUHK)
- Statistics, Department of
- Strategic Events and External Projects Office
- Student Affairs, Office of
- Student Development and Resources Section
- Studies in Chinese Linguistics (SCL)
- Studies of Daoist Culture, Centre for
- Study of Chan Buddhism and Human Civilization, Centre for the
- Study of Islamic Culture, Centre for the
- Study of Religious Ethics and Chinese Culture, Centre for the
- Summer@CUHK
- Supply Chain Integration and Service Innovation, Shenzhen, Center for
- Supply Chain Management, Center for
- Surgery, Department of
- Systems Engineering and Engineering Management, Department of
- T.T. Ng Chinese Language Research Centre (CLRC)
- Teacher's Association of The Chinese University of Hong Kong
- The Asia-Pacific Institute of Business
- The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)—Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology (DGIST)—Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH Zurich) Joint Research Laboratory on Innovative Nanotechnology for Medicine and Healthcare
- The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)—Guangzhou Regenerative Medicine and Health Guangdong Laboratory (GDL) Advanced Institute for Regenerative Medicine
- The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)—Sichuan University (SU) Joint Laboratory for Reproductive Medicine
- The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)—The Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology (SIAT) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) Joint Research Laboratory on Robotics and Intelligent Systems
- The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)—University of California, Berkeley (Berkeley)—Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT) Joint Research Institute on Robotics
- The Chinese University of Hong Kong Chinese Medicine Specialty Clinic cum Clinical Teaching and Research Centre
- The Chinese University of Hong Kong Interdisciplinary Artificial Intelligence Research Institute
- The Chinese University of Hong Kong Jockey Club Centre for Osteoporosis Care and Control
- The Chinese University of Hong Kong Library
- The Chinese University of Hong Kong Press
- The Chinese University of Hong Kong—Baylor College of Medicine (BCM) Joint Centre for Medical Genetics
- The Chinese University of Hong Kong—Beihang University (BUAA) Joint Research Centre on Biomedical Engineering
- The Chinese University of Hong Kong—Chiang Ching Kuo Foundation Asia-Pacific Centre for Chinese Studies
- The Chinese University of Hong Kong—Fudan University Joint Research Center for International Finance
- The Chinese University of Hong Kong—Fudan University Joint Research Centre in Life and Biomedical Sciences
- The Chinese University of Hong Kong—Guangzhou Institute of Biomedicine and Health, Chinese Academy of Sciences (GIBH) Joint Research Laboratory on Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine
- The Chinese University of Hong Kong—Nanyang Technological University Singapore (NTU)—Western Sydney University (WSU) Joint Laboratory for Infant Research
- The Chinese University of Hong Kong—Shandong University Joint Laboratory on Reproductive Genetics
- The Chinese University of Hong Kong—Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) Joint Research Centre on Medical Robotics
- The Chinese University of Hong Kong—Sun Yat Sen University (SYSU) Centre for Historical Anthropology
- The Chinese University of Hong Kong—Sun Yat Sen University (SYSU) Centre for Protein Research
- The Chinese University of Hong Kong—Tsinghua University (Tsinghua) Joint Research Center on Chinese Economy
- The Chinese University of Hong Kong—University Medical Center Utrecht Joint Research Laboratory of Respiratory Virus and Immunobiology
- The Chinese University of Hong Kong-University of California, San Diego Joint Laboratory on Chinese Economy
- The Chinese University of Hong Kong—University of Exeter Joint Centre for Environmental Sustainability and Resilience (ENSURE)
- The Chinese University of Hong Kong—University of Southampton (UOS) Joint Laboratory for Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine
- The Chinese University of Hong Kong—Utrecht University Joint Centre for Language, Mind and Brain
- The Chinese University of Hong Kong—Xi'an Jiaotong University Joint Research Centre on Migration
- The Chinese University of Hong Kong—Zhejiang University Joint Research Center for Digital Economy
- The Chinese University Rheumatology Research Centre (CURRC)
- The Croucher Laboratory for Human Genomics
- The CUHK Centre of Public Health and Primary Care (Shenzhen)
- The D. H. Chen Foundation Hub of Advanced Technology for Child Health
- The Fertility Preservation Research Centre
- The Joint Scoliosis Research Centre of The Chinese University of Hong Kong and Nanjing University
- The Office of the Arts Administrator / Sir Run Run Shaw Hall
- The University of Cambridge—The Chinese University of Hong Kong Joint Laboratory for Bilingualism
- Theology
- Theoretical Computer Science and Communications, Institute of
- Theoretical Physics, Institute of
- Therese Pei Fong Chow Research Centre for Prevention of Dementia
- Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine (iTERM), Institute for
- Translation (RCT), Research Centre for
- Translation Technology, Centre for
- Translation, Department of
- Transport Office
- Tsinghua—CUHK Joint Research Center for Media Sciences, Technologies and Systems (Shenzhen)
- Tumor Marker Laboratory
- Twenty-First Century Bimonthly
- United College
- United College Staff Association
- United College Student Union
- United College Wu Chung Library
- University and School Partnership (CUSP), Centre for
- University Dean of Students, Office of the
- University Education Award
- University General Education, Office of
- University Guest House System
- University Medical Service Office
- University Planning Office
- University Safety Office
- University Secretariat
- Urban and Regional Development, Research Centre for
- Urban Innovations, Center for
- Urban Studies
- Vice-Chancellor's Exemplary Teaching Award
- Vice-Chancellor's Office—Prof. Rocky S. Tuan
- Virtual Trainer
- Water Sports Centre
- Wellness and Counselling Centre
- Wong Tze Lam—Hing Tak Centre of Surgical Outcome Research
- Worldwide Universities Network
- Wu Yee Sun College
- Wu Yee Sun College Student Union
- Yale-China Association
- Yale-China Chinese Language Academy
- Yang, CN, Archive
- Yao Chung Kit Diabetes Assessment Centre
- Youth Studies, Centre for
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